[ ] ━ i can't believe we're both trans and Rejuv characters! [ bothers you ] [ bothers you more ] [ bothers y

38 56

More of my digirejuv crossover! Alice's mind has been corrupted by her partner Cherubimon, can Allen and Gargomon save her? Find out next time on digimon, digital monsters-
[click to view full comic]

3 20

[ ] ━
" The world is in your hands, everyone. "

46 75

More of my digimon/rejuv crossover! Allen and Alice and their partners Terriermon and Lopmon! [full version in replies]

5 21

[ ] ━ i love Melia's new outfit so much!! QvQ

60 112

[ ] ━ HAPPY PRIDE MONTH look at these gay Xen Execuives they're in love!!!

52 85

now that ive graduated ive got more time to uh [checks notes] ah yeah draw zetta

7 20

Uh-oh. I fell into the Canon x Oc hole. My bad

4 15

( )

— because out of all seven sins,
you were the most tempting.

17 29


Anyone want to take some advice from his ass? No? Yeah that's okay

This is soo rushed mainly due to me realizing that i'm packing my pc in a week.

9 24

CW // Blood

Holy shit this was so fun to draw...
Funky little Xen OC... She do a mur//der...

9 17

So these gay people have consumed my brain

18 53

[ | ]

hey geara why do you keep thinking abt your co-worker like that.... are you gay? 🤨🇮🇹

28 52

teehee timebreak/rejuvrp vitus go vrrrr ( i hope he explodes ♡ )

10 17

Drawing all the Rejuvenation main protagonists again. Here's Aevia.

3 5