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Leon from Rune Factory 4 !! Sorry for all the RF4 content jwofjwo haha… i just love my boys

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o that reminds me, here’s an Arthur from rf4s because its become my fixation lately and he’s turned out to be my second fav bachelor this time around

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Even marvelous is backing me on this theres no arguement stating that forte isnt the best RF4 waifu

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Another Rune Factory 4 husband 😳😳😳 I just married him in my recent save, and i didnt except him to have such a sad backstory 😭 But yeah he cute • RF4 Arthur D Lawrence

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It is very exciting to see you playing RF again. I played RF4, 3 and 2 months ago and it has become my favourite series so far.
For you who love SoS, I believe that you will enjoy RF2 for what it is despite its flaws.
Anyways, here's an elf who like shiny rocks.

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Best boy Dylas from Rune Factory 4 / rf4 😳😳😳 He’s gorgeous and i love him

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kitheth for kiel [#runefactory

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Here is Arthur from Just a small old doodle since I've been playing older games in anticipation for Pioneers of Olive Town and RF5!

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RF4→5 ダグフレと「未来に目を向ける男性」に夢を見ている…

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でも、もしRF5はRF4の5年後に起こったら...? wwww

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Rune Factory 5's RF4S bonus finally revealed:
Having RF4S save data will unlock Doug & Margaret in RF5. They won't appear as romance candidates but can still accompany you. They also have requests that unlock Lest/Frey's protag costume.

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