Finalmente puedo subir estooo X3, tengo un momento del fanfic "El taxidermista" pendiente para el proximo post, espero les guste osiosio

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so i got a few notes on my last post, made me wanna post some more art of al i did

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Ali Aaaal esta aqui, es uno viejo pero que tiene lo suyo X3 y aun no he acabado el ultimo WIP que tengo pendiente por la depre :) pero pronto lo veran ahora sigan sintonizados 😈

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Here is my young human Alastor post! It is a little lazy work but I didn't have much time for it. Sorry about!

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Working on it... Slowly but still working 😅 I really love to listen electro swing, when I'm painting this xD I wonder why..🧐😅

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