Just out of

No spoilers to say it’s pushing the boundaries of that 12 certificate towards the end, and it’s very much a Sam Raimi movie.I enjoyed it.

0 7

Siyah beyaz dönemin korku figürlerine selam duruşu yapan ne yazık ki Wandavision'ın devam filmi gibi. Bayat bir korku filmi sosuna bulanmış çoklu evrenli pek eğlendirmeyen bir yapım olmuş. Birkaç sahnede iyi numaralar dışında tatmin etmedi. S.Raimi çuvallamış

3 14

in the Multiverse of Madness is another MCU movie that I enjoyed a lot in terms of exploring the multiverse as well as feeling emotional, speechless and intense throughout the film. Benedict and the casts did a fantastic job and I love Raimi’s horror vibe mixed in.

0 1

no Multiverso da Loucura é um filme diferente de tudo que a Marvel entregou até agora. A direção de Sam Raimi é algo único, em que você percebe do início ao fim com os seus movimentos de câmera e visuais absurdos e ao gênero terror. (+)

120 1218

Al fin una "villana" a la altura de los cómics en las películas de Marvel, y villana por llamarle de alguna manera. es un homenaje a las películas de terror que alguna vez hizo Sam Raimi

93 1038

15 years ago, Spider-Man 3 was released today. Happy anniversary to a movie that I used to watch a lot when I was younger at that time.

0 1

Hard to believe the original Sam Raimi Spider-Man is 20 years old now, I remember the hype like it were yesterday, made a poster for this occasion, Drew Struzan style

53 370

Soft pastels on paper.
The Evil Dead
1981 • Sam Raimi

16 57

Is the quintessential Doctor Strange movie and it is a Sam Raimi film

The movie is dark, pushing PG13 to the limits to tell a horror story focussing on Strange and Wanda. Olsen gives the performance of her career and the the multiverse truly is madness


0 6

In The Multiverse Of Madness vu et validé complètement 👍 Sam Raimi + Danny Elfman = combo réussi 😍

0 7

Another masterpiece, akhirnya sentuhan Sam Raimi berjaya mengeluarkan filem2 Marvel Studios drpd kancah typical setting n camera works yg membosankan drpd 27 filem sebelum ini. Has it flaws but for general viewers, unnoticable pun. Elizabeth Olsen steals the show!!!

45 172

Hoy se cumplen 20 años del estreno de mi pelicula de superheroes favorita y les aseguro que hare un video hablando sobre ella.

diganme aún aguanta la pelicula para ustedes o no tanto?

0 6

I've been invited to the premiere!
And the movie is...

You gotta watch this!

It starts like a Marvel movie, but Sam Raimi's signature styles slowly appear, and after that exploded everywhere!

If you're a big fan of his like me, you will LOVE it!

915 4462

Happy 20th Anniversary to one of my favorite childhood movies and where I grew up loving one of my favorite Marvel characters, Spider-Man (2002)! Remember, with great power comes great responsibility.

0 3

20 Years since Sam Raimi’s first Spider-Man movie was released. Changed my life and still inspires me today ❤️🤟🏼

3 31

🚨🚨📰 | A Sony Music publicou em seu perfil que fará um ANÚNCIO ESPECIAL na próxima sexta-feira (6 de maio) em relação a Trilogia de Sam Raimi.

⚠️ - OBS: 6 de Maio é a data em que seria lançado 'Homem-Aranha 4', em 2011.

- / ·

81 866

All hail Sam Raimi for twisting the MCU in to a gnarly vision of horror. Whilst Benedict Cumberbatch owns his role as it’s Elizabeth Olsen who steals the show in a flawed but ultimately entertaining journey through the

8 43

How cool that we went from Ditko to Romita? Even Sam Raimi would have wanted to do that!

22 621