🐶 Top Dog of the Day: Biebs (#602)

"Loves his red beanie. Very intelligent doggo who loves chilling at The Beach Club. By the way don't touch the beanie."

I wonder what _is_ hiding under that beanie, ? 🤔

7 35

🐶 Top Dog of the Day: Scarlett Chewhansson (#1040)

"Scarlett enjoys hot cocoa and chewy toys, keeps to herself, and secretly wishes she was a famous movie star."


5 36


24HRS TO GO!!!


One Top Dog Beach Club NFT

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Our mission.

Will you help us do it?

86 101

🐶 Top Dog of the Day: Slick Rick (#5911)

"Lost an eye during a fight with a . GutterCat ended up in Chinese take-away. Treats his b****** well." 🙀


5 41

strong conviction on the punks, felt good about apes too, but missed drop. still aped early. 🚫FOMO from selling 2 apes (or many squigs.) was able to support more artists/projects
thanks 4 leading the way

0 5

🐶 Top Dog of the Day: Carole (#5227)

She's a badass bitch who loves sardine oil. 99 aggressiveness and 100 friendliness. You WILL be her best friend. And she's ranked with overall highest temperament stats.


5 50

🎨 What’s up Top Dogs! We’ve got our artist , along with two incredibly talented artists: & painting Top Dogs on a live stream next week! The NFTs + physical art will be auctioned and proceeds will go the charity . Date TBC.

16 56

One of the Tailblazers entry for the Pawlympics finale. This is Jayson's story 👇

(somebody accidentally transfered him to our smart contract—where he'll remain forever)

9 48

🐶 Top Dog of the Day: Pugba

"One of the smartest, strongest, French pugs you will ever meet. With two World Cup Titles under his belt this pug will make it to the top!"

Watch out 🐶⚽

3 25

Just a handful of dogs to 0.08 floor 🚀 Whose going to adopt these little bad boys?


17 57

We’ve just added a new hat to the Photo Booth to show our love for the Sherlock Bones Gang—best puzzle solvers in the metaverse!

Grab it from the Beach Club https://t.co/4sXXjKU217

’s Top Dog modelling it for us here. 🔥

3 27

🐶 Top Dog of the Day: Beach Boy (#2374)

"Drinks strawberry daiquiris at the beach after conquering the business world earning himself a lifetime of kicking back maxin and relaxin"

This dude knows whats up. 🍸🏖

3 35

Tuco Salamanca fits right in with the rest of the Dog Soldiers pack of

With an Aggressiveness Temperament of 95, his bark comes with plenty of bite... and a party habit 🥳

3 18

🐶 Dog of the Day: Joey Chestnut (#251)

"Joey Chestnut, aka the Hot Dogs destoryer, holds the world record for consuming 66 hot dogs in 12 minutes. Look out hot dogs..."

The packs are getting riled up 😳

4 28

Can't decide what PFP to use from your collection? Why not show off both... wear your other NFTs ON your dogs accessories in just a few clicks—coming soon to the Photo Booth! 🐶❤

14 65

WOW 👽 Few Aliens.... Such a pleasure to be part of Galactic Secret Agency Thank you for this Cosmic Adventure, community feels more than great and design is simply😍👽😎

3 15

🐶 Meet Dog of the Day: Puggie Smalls (#3291)

"With a 14 karat schnoz like this, Puggie always sniffs out a good time. The back of the club sippin' Toillette is where you'll find him."


3 28

🐶 Meet Dog of the Day: James Boned (#3121)

"Boned, James Boned. International dog of mystery. The female dogs love him and the bad dogs despise him. Loves Barktinis shaken not stirred."


1 39

A lot of our values align so imagine a and Top Dog collab 🤔👀

12 87