And then it crumbled in his hand. It was just dust... Sand... A glittering, multicolored sand that fell away into the chilly wind at the end of the world.

~Neil Gaiman, A Game of You

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Delirium, youngest of the Endless.

This one warranted using ALL the colours.

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The Endless - Desire.

Still tweaking the lighting on this one but its mostly there. Might do some tweaks once I've finished painting Delirium.

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What do you think is the worst place to be?
- Auriga from
- Geodia from
- The harsh land of
- The island of

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An Ichor Cell, an enigmatic lifeform which flows like molten gold. They are believed to be parasitic but little more is known about their life cycle. The gemstone like formations in their bodies are inorganic and serve no known function.

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Finished this Death painting a year ago today. Maybe someday conventions will exist again and I will be able to show her off 😅 What even is time anymore?

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Are there artists here? Don't hesitate to drop here your creations from one of our games so we can help you share it with the world: choice!

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Commission for thunderbolte on Deviant Art! Sorry for being inactive these last few days, I hope y’all enjoy this post though! Streaming on Twitch in a bit!
🍍Commissions Open🍍

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I’m imagining Kirby Howell-Baptiste’s hair will be stunning when she appears as Death in ’s adaptation of ’s Sandman.
Like proper awesome!

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