as "The Mime"

- one of 1st gen animatronics, decommissioned for being outdated & ripping out her face in the process. Now reprogrammed by The Psychopath to enact revenge and kill his fellow cruel mall employees in silence.

3 16

J'ai regardé hier soir du coup j'ai voulu dessiner Rosa !

10 76

I’d love to know what pendantry has led (feature-length special to a series) to be branded a Netflix ‘Film’, while (a 97 min anthology film) is marketed as a ‘Special’…

Are these awards-conscious decisions or something?

0 2

Finished watching and this is the first time I've felt a great wave of emotions, it was creepy, unsettling, weird, uncomfortable, wholesome, amazing, funny, life-changing aaa i don't fucking know😭I'm pretty sure there's a book for this, I'm gonna have to check

0 8

Rosa from The House!
What a strange movie, loved it tho

40 206

was a great film, go check it out!

14 66

*stares directly into your soul* 🤖☠️

2 13


11 152


脱いだとき チラリとのぞく シックスパック

21 262

happy birthday morgana
may things be better for you this time around💙💙

22 48


23 280

セカオワ かるた

5 33