Voice actor KUSUNOKI Tomori has announced that she has a genetic disorder and will no longer be playing the role of YUUKI Setsuna (NAKAGAWA Nana) in the LoveLive series, which requires intense stage action. She will continue to play the role of Makima.

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貝爾PICK UP召喚現正舉辦中!

5 67

I’m so proud of Setsuna oshis today, so much ❤️💖 flying around it turned this from sad to bittersweet as we all share what we love about both Setsuna and Tomori. Love you all.

I’m sure they’re both overjoyed at our endless passion. Let’s keep supporting till the end!!!

22 91

thank you for being setsuna's voice, tomoriru.

298 941

Daily Yu! 🖤
Thank you Tomoriru for your amazing performance as Setsuna!

93 406

Its bitter what started this but I'm glad to see fans of Setsuna & Tomori coming together to share their support, positive messages, & fanwork of them. Even old faces I haven't heard from for awhile are sharing some nostalgic memories & shedding some light in this community again

56 399

Thank you Tomoriru for everything ❤️ thank you for voicing Setsuna 🎙️❤️

195 649

[The burning passion of Kusunoki Tomori and Yuuki Setsuna will continue.]❤️‍🔥🎙️

0 4

Thank you Tomoriru 🎙️❤️

674 2239

Thank you for all the happiness and joy that both gave to my heart. And thank you for all the hard work that you put to give life to Setsuna. I'll always support you, Tomori-san 💕

218 970

Thank you Tomoriru 🙏
Wishing you all the best care🎙️ 🌈 ❤️ ✨

201 739

La seiyuu y cantante Tomori Kusunoki (Makima, Setsun), comunico que ha sido diagnosticada con el síndrome de Ehlers-Danlos de tipo articular.
Kusunoki se retirará de la franquicia de Love Live debido a la fuerte carga física que representa cantar en vivo.

146 1551

looking at this Setsuna WIP I abandoned halfway in 2020 and wanting to weep. Tomoriru's Setsuna brought the character to life and saved me from a lot of depressing stuff...

0 6

Very unfortunate end indeed. She did very well in voicing my favorite Nijigasaki Character until now. Wishing all the best for your future and thank you, Tomoriru-san 🙏🫡 https://t.co/SE5zB3KVuS

0 5

Setsuna Yuki is amazing… even if i only know Nijigasaki a little or she makes the purple poisonous soup, I’ll still miss her seiyuu 😭 😔

Thank you for everything Tomoriru 🙏 🌈

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11/19、20両日 11時-19時
ブースNo. K-347

相棒しじょる氏 と一緒です!ぜひ遊びにいらしてください!

2 10

it makes me feral that they all have the same va and no one seems to know tomoriru

4 24

【A New Witch is Here!】
Belle arrives with these events for a limited time!
・Prayer of The Fleeting
・Witch's Gift

▼US Server
10/31 23:30~11/14 22:29 (UTC-7)

▼EU/Global Server
11/1 7:30~11/15 6:29 (UTC+1)

*See the in-game notice for details.

52 548