This Cinnamon Teal in Florida was a thousand miles from his usual range. He was living with a group of Blue Teal. But he stood out!

16 168

Three commissions I did for ; Painted Lady, Sand Dunes landscape and Stonechat.

The butterfly has taken the longest out of all my sketches, 6-7 hours, but I'm very pleased with it! 🤓

12 90

Northern Male Cardinal bathing. "Act like no one is watching".

16 123

White Pelicans were everywhere overhead at Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge.

11 71

Nous avons raté le Voici quelques-uns de nos pensionnaires de l'été dernier pour nous rattraper, ils ont tous retrouvé la liberté 🥳🤩🦔

18 110

Lapwing on the Somerset Levels. 😊

50 320

Voici un faucon femelle arrivé a priori suite à un choc avec un véhicule

11 63

At work in garden this pm, heard a loud thump at garage window.
We were rather startled to see this .. lots of discussion about an identification, but feel it could be a Female Sparrowhawk?
PS - it left, as it entered, by the wide open garage door.

1 21

A very majestic pigeon in the graveyard, quite enjoying having its photo taken! 💙

4 53

Et voilà des pigeonneaux récemment arrivés au centre. On adore leurs petites plumes dorées 🕊️😍

11 80

Never seen this before. A young fallow pricket challenging a fully grown red deer stag to a play fight.

19 101