Soap ads were often overtly racist. They The ads promoted the "whitening" quality of the soap by showing it being used to wash off "dirty" black or brown skin. and

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Birds of the park, and elsewhere: Early Modern Attitudes to the Ravens and Red Kites of London............

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"I hear today... that the duke of Buckingham... is dying... His title, I believe, will be extinct, which is all the loss he will be to the nobility or his country"
You can always rely on Lord Hervey

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Anyone out there interested in/researching/responding to historical portraits of Africans in British art?

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1689 William III & Mary II were proclaimed King & Queen at the Banqueting House and presented with the Declaration of Rights by the marquess of Halifax as speaker of the House of Lords

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diplomats were human: in 1727 Lord Waldegrave wrote from Paris to his contact back in hoping that his last dispatch "did not show the influence of

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Nell Gwyn's parentage remains uncertain: her father might have been a royalist officer, Captain Gwyn, her grandfather possibly a canon of .
Pepys thought her a fine comic actress, but not so good in more dramatic parts

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There were various options open to in settling the 1) invite James II back under limitations; 2) make William of Orange king; 3) make Princess Mary queen; 4) make William & Mary joint monarchs

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My dear and brilliant colleague Nuala P. Caomhánach is giving a talk next month, "Black Lives, Botany, and the Path to Decolonization," at the (,

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Save 30% on new book "The Whites Are Enemies of Heaven" by Mark W. Driscoll.

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The death of the 7th earl of Leicester in 1743 resulted in a battle royal between his illegitimate daughter, Anne, & his niece, Elizabeth Perry, the one referred to as 'the Fairy' & the other as 'the Empress of Penshurst'. The Empress won.

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Yesterday's events in Washington a reminder of how easy it was to infiltrate the porous old palace of

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1785 Jean-Pierre Blanchard & Dr John Jeffries crossed the from Dover to Calais in a balloon, though only after an unseemly argument resulting in Blanchard having to prove he was not weighted down by lead underwear

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1731, Lincolnshire schoolmaster Stephen Harrison is taken ill at dinner 'which it's thought was occasioned by a piece of a gizzard of a goose which he swallowed too hastily, & expired immediately'

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Getting to grips with latest book for review & attention drawn to reference to Plautus's ever useful advice:
"Cast not thy meat into a pisspot"

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Three days before 1747 Fitzwalter discharged his footman, Charles Woollam, paying him off with £2 19s: "an idle, stupid, drunken, good-for-nothing fellow"

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Foucault and the park: power structures and knowledge and Leeds City Council.......... (Image: Nemomain)

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"Never submit to stir a finger in any business but that for which you were particularly hired"
Jonathan Swift, born 1667

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Died 28Nov1801 Déodat Gratet de Dolomieu, French that had the mineral and the rock dolomite and the largest summital crater on the Piton de la Fournaise volcano named after him.

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