Maybe i gonna draw more of Vari

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▪️Corretti alcuni piccoli errori di battitura;
▪️Incluse le sigle d’apertura, le sigle di chiusura e le eyecatch per ogni episodio
▪️ Incluso l’elenco dei CD Singoli per i vari nuovi brani;


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Watched The 8 Diagram Pole Fighter (directed by Lau Kar-leung) with Sophie and Vari. People get fucked UP in this movie, and I loved it. A shame to know that one of the lead actors, Alexander Fu, passed away shortly before filming concluded. His absence can be felt in the ending.

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Commission for of Cass givin a lil smooch to Vari on the cheek >,< It's always a joy to draw flustered Varian xD Thanks so much again!! Glad you like the result! <3

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Debutta questo 3 Aprile 2020 in Giappone il Volume 12 del manga di Dragon Ball Super. Vediamo i vari contenuti e gli extra inclusi:


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Vi a vari artistas hacer esto y yo también quería hacerlo, aunque en mi opinión el original está mejor
-Dibujo original:

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“Non so dove sto andando ma vi prometto che non sarò noioso”
David Bowie,icona musicale globale per 50anni,personaggio poliedrico della scena pop e rock,con capacità di spaziare tra i vari generi musicali e rinnovarsi.

Al Salotto Letterario
~17 Marzo~

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Della vecchia Loro Parisini è rimasta (progetto Caccia dominioni)la sede direzionale degli anni 50. Dove sono le torri c'era l'area industriale. Nella ex palazzina mi sembra ci fosse una pizzeria fino a poco fa e uffici vari.

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Doug and Vari, Doug and Vari... ^^

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Here’s my character for our Saturday night campaign. ✨🖤
This is Mello Vari! She’s a lvl 5 Tiefling, shadow monk.
She’s 17yrs old, sassy, too nice for her own good and loves eating food!

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i drew my dnd party🖤 someone called Vari pretty & she basically went "well have you seen these two?"... i love our party so much... TY FOR LISTENING

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Curiosi di avvicinarvi alla serie
Ecco la nostra guida per orientarvi nei vari capitoli ✨

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I DREW MY NEW BABY AND I LOVE HER, her name is Vari. her campaign starts tomorrow & i cant wait🖤she's a Variant Feral Tiefling Soulknife who sells people information for $$$

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Sempre sullo Store sono in vendita set di cartoline e quadri con gli artwork dei vari personaggi.

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is the who presides over eloquence and epic poetry, so called from the ecstatic harmony of her voice. According to and she is the foremost of the nine being the and the most
Calliope 2012
Sophia Vari

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We are very pleased to present our latest
"#Beauty & and by Sophia Vari".

Preview today from 5:30 pm to 8.00 pm.
On view until the 8 of November.

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‘From that day on, I had a new that gave me a lot of joy because I could see the pieces being worn,’ - Sophia

Save the date for our forthcoming show, "Beauty & "Harmony; & by Sophia Vari, opening the 1st of October.

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We're used to seeing from Kateryna Bielikova, but this piece, so here's something completely different from her - a red-ruffed titled "Vari roux"! As ever, her incredible sense of light and texture really brings this handsome to life!

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