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"Lady Magic of the Night"

0.009 ETH, KnownOrigin
6/10 Editions

A beautiful lady with blue sapphire eyes. She lights the stars every night, so that travelers will not go astray and so that everyone can make a wish.


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I'm back, sorry for my so long gone.

Ellie's eyes. So pretty.

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If you see this tweet, quote it with 4 pics that expose your taste in men.

Yes. I have a type. https://t.co/MhwEyc0QXf

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"Papa, they said it would look more mature wearing red. Do you find me more mature and attractive now?"

Cute marionette girl hopes to look mature in your eyes.

If you like my works, please follow💗 and🔁.

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tzel keychain SOOON.
hiding the eye because. yes.

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YUP YUP! Tagged by 🫡 Thank you buddy!
I really like this Face Detail Train so I will probably make another just with my beloved OC. Because - Yes. Anyway here you go some faces I've made! 💪

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another variation
Scary eyes...😱

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I did a screenshot redraw while partaking in 😃. Yes...I watched the first episode in dub all over again bc I could and I don't regret a single moment of it.👌

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Ooh, YES. This is Skylar (they/them), the main character of my visual novel (work in progress)

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A very sparkly proposal~

After dating all 4 glitter-tiger dancers for a while, they surprised Boof by inviting him on stage one night after the show...and the rest is history!

Of course I said yes...after fainting on stage first. 🫢

Adorable 🎨 by - thank you! ❤️❤️

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I remember a picture from them with Daniel having heart eyes.

Looks weird but still cute


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Forgot to post my quick fanart of Mr. banene (Sakura bloom ver)
(why isn't the banana pink then?)

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I'm working on something. Very very yes.

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Diamond Laluzile Balla
The head of the reaper society is commonly known for the contrast of her dark skin and her icy blue eyes. Nick named the destroyer of gods.

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Was my outfit inspired by Hiei's....yes. And I'm proud of that fact. >:3

We get to be scarf buddies!

(Psst, ignore him if he says 'who the f*ck is she? We aren't friends', he's just a kidder ;3; )

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Art vs Artist
I don't have any nice pictures of myself since the passing of my father, I lost the spark in my eyes. This picture was taking a few days prior his passing and he complimented me how pretty I looked. I treasure this shot even though I can see there's no spark.

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Inspired by - https://t.co/ef2bgnZRyA (Mmmmmmyes.) ~

My birthday is on the 20th Of April, so lets have a party. ;) <3

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