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12/28(金)23時~ 冬の宴2018 https://t.co/k2FHOjPlkq
#リスリク からはDJラウルとVJ ZUMA&ちゃーが参戦します!
🎊Christmas-themed commission for Skeeter-Z @ DeviantArt! her fursona Zuma all covered in Christmas lights. ✨
Gary Stephens' work engages urban African style. His drawings explore contemporary trends in the African tradition of hair braiding. 'Zuma with Button Necklace', Annunciation series, chalk pastel and charcoal on paper, 175 x 132cm.
#omenka #omenkagallery #garystephens #drawing
#StateCaptureInquiry :: Guptas would summon ministers, Zuma to their home and boast about it.
I've been drawing some of my mum's dogs for practice! The cheeky one on with his feet on the table is Obi, and the black and white cutie is the newest puppy Zuma.
(The photos I referenced were taken by me as well, I take so many of them LOL)
The little Aliens are sorry to hear that #jacobzuma is no longer president...
#nucleardeal #Zuma
【情報更新】9/15(SAT)美少女ゲーム音楽イベント「TOKYO ERG SUMMIT VOL.33」@ 渋谷LOUNGE NEO #TES_ERG
DJ SIDE(二部側)
GUEST DJ:ジスタ 朝倉スネーク(NEW)
DJ:たま はっぴおじさん NaD
COSPLAY STAFF:ゆずき綾 御崎しおん 明治
#月夢 7/27(金)24時からは美少女ゲームソングDJイベント『ERG Night #36』(4F)。
ゲストにDJ John/会長、VJ ZUMA。
https://t.co/8QOcAz02BN #erg36
#Zuma is looking for divine intervention as he faces fraud, corruption, and racketeering charges. #ZumaNeedsDOOM #Zumacharges #DoomPastor #statecaptureinquiry
[CARTOON] How does Zuma sleep at night? @africartoons
It's GAME OVER for the Zuma and the Super Zupta Bros. #ZumaRecalled #GuptaArrests #GuptaRaid #Zexit #Zuptas #ZuptaBros #SuperMarioParody
#SURPRISERESIGNATION #CyrilRamaphosa Hailemariam desalegn, Zuma, Mugabe, Jammeh gone... now loading, Nkurunzinza, Kabila, Paul Biya, Teodoro Obiang, Denis Sassou Nguesso, M7...cartoon for @TheStarKenya
#ZumaExit #ZumaRecalled #Zuma Going..going..gone? Cartoon for @TheStarKenya
#ZumaExit #Zuma @MYANC African leaders and leaving office. Cartoon for @TheStarKenya