Oooh Keroo I know a good evo line for you!

I'll give myself an evo line in a separate tweet~

Their names are Hyokomon - Akatorimon - RaptorSparrowmon - Eaglemon

1 1

I'm speechless what I did... wow 😳

48 435

Ushijima san, your tits looks heavy, I'll hold them.

From my AU comics

2 85

On 27th August 1883, Island of Krakatoa in Indonesia exploded in a huge volcanic eruption. Sound produced from explosion was loudest in recorded history and sound wave travelled around planet seven times.

📷©: Lithograph by Parker & Coward, Britain.

106 530

"Tsunami following the eruption of Krakatoa on 27 August 1883." Original artwork by Severino Baraldi for World of Knowledge annual, 1981. A coral boulder of estimated 600 tons was transported 100 meters inland by the up to 40 meter high waves

27 100

Hoy es el aniversario de la gran erupción del
La mañana del 27 de Agosto de 1883 la isla explota y colapsa parcialmente generando un gran tsunami que mató a más de 30 mil personas
Dentro hilo!

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1883 : éruption du d’#Indonesie
"Au moins 36,417 décès sont attribués à l'éruption et les tsunamis qu'il a créés"

0 1

August 27, 1883, in the early morning hours explodes & collapses, causing a tsunami wave 40 meter high in the Sunda Strait, killing 30.000 people. The explosion boom is heard in Australia

119 310

💖8/27 Chapter Updates💖

Dakaichi: I'm Being Harassed By the Sexiest Man of the Year
by Hashigo Sakurabi published in

Antonio, of all people, has a special little something he wants Takato to show Junta in the bedroom.

4 38

On this day in 1883, Krakatoa in Indonesia began to erupt. 36,000 people were killed by the eruption and the resulting tsunami. The effects were felt worldwide. Learn more:

58 490

late in the evening in 1883, one of the most powerful volcanic eruptions in recorded history occurred on Krakatoa.

The explosions were heard on Rodriguez Island, 4653 km distant across the Indian Ocean and over 1/13th of the earth’s surface.

4 16

Hint for Ushijima:
Sakusa has something that is also thick and soft like toad tummy 🤭

6 32

Если вы когда-нибудь трогали мягкое брюшко толстенькой жабки - знаете, такие на ощупь яи... кожа у Сакусы

5 56

Happy Birthday Sumeragi-san, Tomomi-san, Rio-san and Hideyoshi-san!😊😊😊😊😍😍😍😍😤😤😤😤🎉🎊🎊🎊🎊🎉

2 5

大大大好き素敵絵師アニーさん( )


3 25

Buat gambar satuannya xixi

Ushijima Wakatoshi 🔥

1 3