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Today is National Avocado Day! 🥑
What dishes do you like having with avocado in?
#alphabettydoodles #nationalavocadoday
Today is Paperback Book Day! 📚
The perfect day to read some of AlphaBetty's books!
And if you haven't got any of her books yet head to Amazon or our NFT book launch page.
Today is National Waterpark Day! 💧
So grab your bathing suit and make a splash!
#alphabettydoodles #nationalwaterparkday
Today is National Aunt and Uncle Day!
Betty is dressed from nostalgic show Sabrina the teenage Witch, who had two aunts that guided her through life!
#alphabettydoodles #nationalauntanduncleday #sabrinatheteenagewitch
Today is Carousel Day! 🎠
Who doesn't love a magical ride on a merry-go-round?!
#alphabettydoodles #carouselday
Today is National Drive-Thru Day!
Why not grab your lunch from a drive-thru today!
#alphabettydoodles #nationaldrivethruday
Today is National Day of the Cowboy!
Why not watch one of the Toy Story films starring cowboy Woody?
#alphabettydoodles #nationaldayofthecowboy #toystory
Today is National Junk Food Day!
Everyone deserves a treat once in a while .. why not bake some cookies today!
#alphabettydoodles #nationaljunkfoodday #cookiemonster
Today is International Chess Day!
What move will you make today?
#alphabettydoodles #InternationalChessDay
Today is Nelson Mandela International Day!
A day to remember this historic anti-apartheid leader.
#alphabettydoodles #nelsonmandelainternationalday
Today is World Emoji Day!
Which emoji shows how you are feeling today?
#alphabettydoodles #worldemojiday
Today is World Snake Day! 🐍
How about a game of snakes and ladders or watching the Jungle Book today?
#alphabettydoodles #worldsnakeday
Today is National I Love Horses Day! 🐎
Anyone guess what classic Hanna & Barbera cartoon horse Betty is dressed as?
#alphabettydoodles #nationalilovehorsesday
Today is National Mac and Cheese Day!
There's nothing like a bit of this comfort food to cheer you up!
#alphabettydoodles #nationalmacandcheeseday
Today is National French Fries Day! 🍟
Enjoy everything with a side of fries today! 😉
#alphabettydoodles #nationalfrenchfriesday
Today is Etch a Sketch Day!
Why not have a go at this retro drawing pad toy!
#alphabettydoodles #etchasketchday
Today is National Blueberry Muffin Day!
Enjoy one of these as your Monday morning treat!
#alphabettydoodles #nationalblueberrymuffinday
Today is Teddy Bear Picnic Day! 🧸
Sun's out! 🌞 Grab your teddies and head to the park for a picnic!
#alphabettydoodles #teddybearpicnicday
Today is Fashion Day!
This day gives everyone the opportunity to wear what they like and express themselves however they choose!
#alphabettydoodles #fashionday
Today is National Video Game Day! 🎮
Whether a game of Tetris, Pacman, Mario or Pokemon .. play some of your favourite games today!
#alphabettydoodles #nationalvideogameday #pokemon #pikachu