How bright will be when it blows up? Moon-ish brighness for 3+ months, seen during the daytime for about a year, brighter than the star now for ~2 years, naked eye visible for ~3 years. Credit: grad students Jared Goldberg and Evan Bauer using MESA. 1/

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Cat eyes Betelgeuse = good baby
Their eyes slit in light. This is in the brightest light so it's usually less visible
Their eyes are reflective so they glow in the dark & see better in the dark

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I was supposed to post 2hrs ago
Basically someone said I should post my Betelgeuse/Maitlands fanart so uh yeah! It feels so weird posting this lmao
Notes: The ones with dialogue are from the fic I'm working on, and Betelgeuse is nonbinary. They are baby. Also furries bc it me

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The Ghost with the Most is finished. I’m so excited to have completed this piece. Colored pencil work is super fun! .

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I have written a novel about the Betelgeuse super nova.
It will be on sale from January 24th 2020.

今夜F時、二人の君がいる駅へ。 (メディアワークス文庫)

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I just put some color on the sketches to have some kind of reference sheets XD

please don't shittalk on me cause I'll ship them, Thanks

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betelgeuse, betelgeuse, be a doll and spare the lecture~

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In this night skyscape the Hunter's stars rise in the northern hemisphere's winter sky on December 30, 2019, tangled in bare trees near Newnan, Georgia, USA. In the photo, the fainting of Betelgeuse is visible

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claramente me salio para el culo pero estoy contenta con el resultado

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D'ailleurs, la traduction officielle est belle et bien "Petelgeuse" et non "Betelgeuse" comme celà a pu etre confirmé dans le Light Novel (par l'auteur) ainsi que par le staff de l'anime

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Finally back to work on new sticker designs.
Here's Betelgeuse and Marvin the Paranoid Android!

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Every once in a while, I do a that makes me feel like what I drew for anyone before was sub-par. This couple are both & fans. table 531.

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My idea for Lydia and Beetlejuice design. I love this couple so much! ;A; <3

Since everyone already guessed this one I am throwing a SPOILERRRR
Character guessing contest info:

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