Birds of prey and the park: predatory and scavenging raptors differ in their visual abilities ...... Visual Adaptations in Predatory and Scavenging Diurnal Raptors........ (images: BHL)

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Wasps and the park: Wasp Wednesday Week 1: Introduction to the Order Louis Nastasi....... (Image; BHL)

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Natural history and the park: Neighbors with claws and hoofs, and their kin. For boys and girls..... by James Johonnot, 1885, BHL/Uni California Library........

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Bird illustration and the park: A history of North American birds, by SF Baird, et al.......3 vols, 1905, BHL/Smithsonian.......

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Geography and the park: Greenland, the adjacent seas, and the North-west Passage to the Pacific Ocean, illustrated in a voyage to Davis's strait...1817, by B O'Reilly.....BHL/MBLWHO1......

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Caterpillars and the park: Collection iconographique et historique des chenilles; ou, Description et figures des chenilles d'Europe, by JA Boisduval, et al, 1832, BHL/University of Illinois,

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Birds in the park: Unterhaltungen aus der Naturgeschichte. [4-5], der Vögel, erster [-zweyter] Theil..... by GT Tobias and BF Leizelt........1795, BHL/Smithsonian .....

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Natural history and the park: Zoological illustrations, or, Original figures and descriptions of new, rare, or interesting animals ..... 3 vols........1829-1833.....BHL/Smithsonian.....

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Birds of the park: Die fremdländischen Stubenvögel, ihre Naturgeschichte, Pflege und Zucht, by Karl Russ, 4 vols, 1875......BHL/Smithsonian ......

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Botanical illustration and the park: Brazilian flowers drawn from nature in the years 1880-1882, in the neighbourhood of Rio de Janeiro; by EH Norton, 1893, BHL/NYBG......

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Plants of the park, and elsewhere: Magical, Mystical and Medicinal .....Psychoactive plants and fungi .............. (Image: BHL)

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Webcam and the park: live bird feeder cam on the outskirts of Wigan.......... (images: BHL)

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Botanical illustration and the park: Abbildung und Beschreibung blühender Cacteen, by Louis Pfeiffer et al......1843-50, BHL/Missouri Botanical Garden.....

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Botanical illustration and the park: Our woodlands, heaths, and hedges : a popular description of trees, shrubs, wild fruits, etc. : with notices of their insect inhabitants, by W S Coleman, 1866, BHL/Uni Toronto,

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Shooting and the park: Concentration and origin of lead (Pb) in liver and bone of Eurasian buzzards (Buteo buteo) in the United Kingdom .......... (Image: BHL)

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Botanical illustration and the park: Rumphia, sive, Commentationes botanicæ imprimis de plantis Indiæ Orientalis, by CL Blume....4 vols, 1835-48, BHL/Missouri Botanical Garden.......

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Birds in the park: Observations of the naturalhistory of the swallowtribe : with collateral statement of facts relative to their migration, and to their brvmal torpidity... by T & E Forster, 1817, BHL/Uni California,

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Birds in the park: Die singvogel der heimat, by Otto Kleinschmidt, 1921, BHL/Smithsonia..........

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Botanical illustration and the park: Afbeeldingen der fraaiste, meest uitheemsche boomen en JK Krauss, 1802.....BHL/Missouri Botanical Garden......

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Birds in the park: Iconographie ornithologique : nouveau recueil général de planches peintes d'oiseaux, by MAP DesMurs et al, 1845-1849, BHL/Smithsonian.......

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