Spoiler warning for BomBARDed!! A gift for who wanted Chaos Sauce eating Kaos Sauce wings for 🔥🔥🔥 happy third bombirthday !!

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I keep forgetting to upload anything cuz of non stop content that we're bombarded with everyday but i love swimming in BTS content so who's complaining😆
Here's my purple/maroon Yoongi 💜

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apologies to the people who know me irl and are being bombarded with niche streamer fanart. please don’t doxx me.

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I still think it's funny how hard they bombarded Goblin Slayer for rape, than we have the 7th scene here with lil to no drama Behind it. Guess they don't care bout it 🤔 fancy that lol.

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i went ahead and drew the Kage rescue scene from ep. 33 of BomBARDed because :') yeah i love these two. (also added a close up + one without a background, in case it's hard to look at)

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Like most authors, I am not regularly bombarded with praise for my efforts. Some of my books have fallen out of print, some have underperformed. Some have done better. Occasionally though, people share art they have made based on The Thornthwaite Inheritance and I do so love it.

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Its Baldwin Wake Walker! The last wooden ship warrior! Was still arguing against the use of Iron Hulls in 1858!

Walker had a long and proud career bombarding places for the Royal Navy. Looking for fresh challenges he joined the Turkish Navy in 1838 and bombarded Acre!

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The comic was created when he saw his friend Dan Vado be BOMBARDED with hate mail for killing off Justice League character Ice. I know why Evan did this but I should point out most people agree this was a bad move.

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was not supposed to post anything but assa receipt that im working on smthng ! here's a wip ! 😔👇

hoping to finish this one soon before i get bombarded with any other responsibilities or another art block attacks me HHHH 🤧

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Most people in the real, outside world (oh I miss it so..) are constantly bombarded with media that caters to the straight male gaze, and do not go into mainly female and queer online spaces where these images are more common.

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When I'm bombarded by compliments but my anxiety/depression won't let me accept any value.

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Im not drawing anything lately so Im stopping by here ‘u’ hellooo I’m fio and I love hxh but i have a lot of ideas with what I want to do with my art uwu ( HAHA GET BOMBARDED BY ZOLDYCKS NYEHE )

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my piece for the cotton candy zine hosted by !! it's marianne getting bombarded by her hilda harem

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this is how i feel after being bombarded by beautiful art on my feed all day: mediocre

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Another 💗💗💗 this time, by 🌸 i really enjoy doing these!! Everyone is so creative~~ i have so many that i want to do, but maybe I'll space them out with other pieces so that y'all aren't bombarded by them

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Been bombarded with a lot of things lately so I drew this to let the stress out.
It kinda reminds me of a mosquito

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Just when I decided to fall into idleness, one person appeared, and just bombarded me with ideas X) so... Maybe there will be a lot of things 👀

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I’m also in the discord sever that Marcus is in, and while this joobert-itis was still happening I was bombarded my everyone who was infected to join them here’s a drawing to show what happened https://t.co/nhun6SPjU8

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You'd be surprised, not everyone has cannon and Ireland isn't the best place to be moving them about. One at Loughbrickland bombarded in 1642 but still took amphibious assault before it fell. Also Crown not adverse to reusing them, as at Augher in 1602

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Thanks so much for the amazing stream, everyone! I had a great time! Special thanks to for the raid! ;w; You're always such a gem and I appreciate you! We bombarded 's stream <3

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