My personal favorite: booto and his humidifier

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취향은 달라도 우리는 짱친❤ 영원히 함께하자. 빵꼬다리 더쿠 부토가 너무 좋은 리틀부🤗 치킨 닭다리파와 닭가슴살파는 평화로운것 처럼🙌

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If you've not read Ellie Booton's Journals yet, THE ABANDONED RULE BOOK is a funny, absorbing, poignant read for 10 years and up. Plus, the royalties go to to help build a school. Books are in schools & loved by children.

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I had this idea yesterday and decided to jump from back to another prompt, best friends for

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Well, insomnia is good for some things, I guess. Getting my on early today. I’m still following the adventures of this little vampire, but jumping from to a promp…

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I decided to do today’s dragon doodle inspired by prompt ‘full moon’ ✨🌕

(I am doing them on size A6 watercolour paper and they are for sale, if anyone would like to give any a home please pop me a message!📮☺️)

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Multiple at the extraordinary church of St Michael the Archangel, Booton. St Michael greets you at the entrance, while inside angels flutter around the roof and can be found in the stained glass too 21/31

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금요일의 부토툰입니다^^ 재미있게 봐주세요!

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요즘 문자 제일 많이 주고 받는 사람은 택배기사님 ㅋ
택배 맡아주는 너란 친구 너무 좋아!! 최고 룸메 부토와 비얌이!
인터넷쇼핑 중독 리틀부! 워워~ 살살해~

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오늘은 목요일... 두근두근
내일 하루만 더 힘내면 추석연휴~~
집순이 부토는는 연휴를 준비하고 있어요 ㅋ
과자랑 몰아서볼 드라마랑 이것저것 ㅋㅋㅋ

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パーカーを着てみたよ ☃️☃️
SUBTABOOTOUR ファイナルのご案内〜🐰♡
0310 北堀江VIJON 🐙🐙
Cultural Mixing ( 1st フルアルバム)も発売間近で盛り上がれる予感しかないんだよ〜👻👻✨✨へへへ
全力でたのしもうね、一緒に • ̫ • ♡

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