ok guys. i finally got the chance to talk to chatot. he said I am a good candidate to join the guild. im friccin excited guys. oh god.

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this chatot is disgraceful for someone who has played hundreds of hours of pokemon mystery dungeon

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ive HEARD of chatot but....for the life of me idk waht this mf looks like. really wingin it here

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One chatot, coming right up!!
Fuck, i havent seen one of these lads in Y E A R S

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A new member has joined our party!

Name: Melody
Personality: Bashful, likes to run (fly?)
Level met: 25
Where: Route 12

Although a fresh member, Melody already seems to bring the long-lost cheerful mood out of everyone. Gentle yet lively, she brings new energy around!

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SoOO I kinda love pokemon(I haven't played the games yet, but slowly collecting to do a massive playthru) Anywhoooo! I like Chatot!

Here, made some others that are variation?(I dunno)
One is supposed to be based off the Lyre Bird, the other is a Cockatiel of sorts.

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me ha hecho este dibujo de mí misma con mi pokemon favorito, Chatot <3 Muchas gracias Max, me encanta muchisimo!

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Took a break from working on a commission last night to do this. He's just a little boy.

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Se me ha olvidado el subir las evoluciones de mi equipo Pokemon :c.
Tengo actualmente a:
Onix y por fin pude decidirme en mi tipo agua.

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It's like me and my friend, his favourite is Cubone, mine is Chatot. It's a nice idea that someone will appreciate every last Pokemon in creation :)

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Karen luvs birbs and flying types, specially hers ;v; she likes to match colors with her Chatot pet. A big air head with a bigger heart ;v;

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Searching for a bit of positivity... This is a relatively old drawing, but I still like it (one of the last I did on my Kindle)

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No es así pero me entraron ganas de editarlo lol.
"Sasuke dónde está mi puto Chatot."

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I've been approached to figure out Pokemorph designs before by JulesLetters, but this time proved to be particularly unique. Rainbow here is a Chatot-morph, specifically a Chatot made by merging her with human DNA, so her mouth-beak was an unusual but interesting challenge!

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