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ok guys. i finally got the chance to talk to chatot. he said I am a good candidate to join the guild. im friccin excited guys. oh god.
this chatot is disgraceful for someone who has played hundreds of hours of pokemon mystery dungeon
ive HEARD of chatot but....for the life of me idk waht this mf looks like. really wingin it here
@fuckledusters One chatot, coming right up!!
Fuck, i havent seen one of these lads in Y E A R S
A new member has joined our party!
Name: Melody
Personality: Bashful, likes to run (fly?)
Level met: 25
Where: Route 12
Although a fresh member, Melody already seems to bring the long-lost cheerful mood out of everyone. Gentle yet lively, she brings new energy around!
SoOO I kinda love pokemon(I haven't played the games yet, but slowly collecting to do a massive playthru) Anywhoooo! I like Chatot!
Here, made some others that are variation?(I dunno)
One is supposed to be based off the Lyre Bird, the other is a Cockatiel of sorts.
@Maxewenx1 me ha hecho este dibujo de mí misma con mi pokemon favorito, Chatot <3 Muchas gracias Max, me encanta muchisimo!
Redraw of this here old team: https://t.co/Fe0mkoGXWx
Revamped the team a lil' too to include more sound-based Pokemon.
#pokemon #pokemonteam #team #pokemontrainer #trainer #alolanmarowak #alolan #marowak #chatot #chimecho #kricketune #loudred #noivern
Se me ha olvidado el subir las evoluciones de mi equipo Pokemon :c.
Tengo actualmente a:
Onix y por fin pude decidirme en mi tipo agua.
@nyasshoIe It's like me and my friend, his favourite is Cubone, mine is Chatot. It's a nice idea that someone will appreciate every last Pokemon in creation :)
@DayDreamArts Karen luvs birbs and flying types, specially hers ;v; she likes to match colors with her Chatot pet. A big air head with a bigger heart ;v;
Searching for a bit of positivity... This is a relatively old drawing, but I still like it (one of the last I did on my Kindle) #Pokemon #raichu #AlolanRaichu #Chatot #PokemonGo
No es así pero me entraron ganas de editarlo lol.
"Sasuke dónde está mi puto Chatot."
I've been approached to figure out Pokemorph designs before by JulesLetters, but this time proved to be particularly unique. Rainbow here is a Chatot-morph, specifically a Chatot made by merging her with human DNA, so her mouth-beak was an unusual but interesting challenge!