Late Chrimas comm for a friend <3

0 11

(CW male bits)

Synthetic snack~

Monochrimatic Comm for

12 45

SO U Hhhh I wanted to finish this WAAAAY sooner b4 chrimas ended but inrl has been a fuckin mess soooo heres a wipe for now fjsjjgs

hope u dont mind Cooper stealing yer robe for a bit 👀

2 13

I started work on a potential redesign for Lord Achriman! I'm having a bit of trouble try to figure out which direction I want to go with it right now, but I like what I have so far!

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here r the chrima gifts i made for sum buddies that ig i forgot to post here :/

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was gonna try doing an a6december drawing but ended up with this instead :P anyway heres a late chrimas present

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2/ Digital art illustrations:
(I used to be obsessed with digital arts but not lately... work is busy.... and my display name used to be (at)lachrimale hence the name mark)

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Me volvio tocar para este santa secreto uwu

Mewwy chrima

12 27

Happy Late Merry Chrimas, who wants a kees?

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The Misadventures comic is kind of a separate thing from the Achriman fight. I'm still developing the story for it rn, so who knows if that fight will be in the comic or not? I guess we'll have to see...

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ive nothing to post but i started drawing w a tablet on 2015 chrimas so im wanna do lil comparison (ノ´∀`*)

first tablet art vs. recent art

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Happ Chrimas!!!

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mery chrimast from tasky

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merry chrimasss ily friendsss

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happine the chrima guy

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Mery Chrimas and happe holidaes everyone!

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