I have a new sculpture that I am constructing to then burn. It will be a two part video NFT the first, creation and construction. The second, elevation through destruction. Here are some pics of the first one I did.

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Comcast CEO had said that Universal's new theme park Epic Universe will resume construction.

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I didn't name her because, besides being really bad at naming people, I didn't have any cultural references for it and didn't want to improvise, since arabic names (and even more from a specific ethnicity such as the Amazigh) have a complex construction.

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Time for elite baby!!
Under construction.

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Thanks everyone for the love😊
Still alot to learn!
But heres a bonus pic of the hidden work!

Im good at: the shinies, Composition, design and construction.

Still gotta learn realistic rendering,posing and more textures. the lightgame has just opened up! Gotta keep up :0

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CONSTRUCTION.GIF (100x113 pixels, search word: washed)


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First try at muscle anatomy for my Gnathomortis stadtmani reconstruction.

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My first iPad drawing for GURA!!
Still under construction.

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Lots of research went into pretty much every aspect of this reconstruction. Here’s the concept sketch I pitched to the academy initially that got me the job.

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Thank you and sorry...

My remark earlier was not calm.

The name of this cat character is "SHIGOTO-NEKO".
It is a kind-hearted character who wishes for the safety of people working in factories and people doing road construction.
They are a symbol of kindness.

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The Bell Rock lighthouse was first lit 1811. John Rennie was engineer but it was Robert Stevenson who designed the lighthouse and spent 4 years on site during construction. The design was based on Smeaton's Eddystone lighthouse.

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Blackhouse Tower, Borders (Scotland) old watercolour reconstruction. A stronghold of the Good Sir James Douglas who carried King Robert the Bruce's heart to the battle of Teba (Spain) in 1330.

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Rothesay Castle, Isle of Bute (Scotland) reconstruction. King Robert III died here in 1406 on hearing his Son & Heir James I had been captured by English Pirates off Flambrough Head while fleeing the Bass Rock heading for France.

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Stw 53 is a partial cranium from Sterkfontein, South Africa. Is it early Homo? Australopithecus? Time is ripe for a new reconstruction.

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Drew a stegosaurus based on reconstruction. I based the pose on Sophie from the natural history museum in London. I entered the contest on insta so I won’t do it here

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Under Construction.
The website https://t.co/OenrncLMEt is under construction for error fixes. Letting you know just in case. Updates in the future.

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Rothesay Castle, Isle of Bute (Scotland) reconstruction. King Robert III died here in 1406 on hearing his Son & Heir James I had been captured by English Pirates off Flambrough Head while fleeing the Bass Rock heading for France.

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Basically what were their original jobs.
Draco used to do heavy labor, mainly construction.
Amber actually worked as baker, helping her mom run the family bakery.

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