June 01 - Daily painting
one hand study a day for the month of June.

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May 31 2021 - Daily Painting
"Remember, you have been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens." -LOUISE HAY

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May 30 2021 - daily painting
weirdness should be cultivated like a bonsai 🌳

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May 29 2021 - daily painting
i really believe this seal and i hope you do, too 💪

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May 27 2021 - Daily Painting

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May 25 2021 - Daily Painting
"hello mother"
"hello my child"

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May 23 2021 - daily painting
What aquatic thoughts could it be contemplating...?

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May 22 2021 - daily painting
imagine how it would feel to swim amongst the kelp in the cool brine of the sea

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May daily painting
hehehehe hohohohohoho hahahahaha huhuhuhuhuhu

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May 20 daily painting
Bringing that Big Nap Energy to the world, one seal at a time.

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May daily painting
oh to be a rotund seal napping in the evening light on a sandy beach...

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Daily painting for May
seals are so expressive and cute -w-

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May daily painting
he's coming out of the water to try and sell you a stereo from the back of his car in a Walmart parking lot. don't fall for his cute looks; the box is full of rocks he picked up from a construction site.

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Gonna atempt to paint something a day, I'll see how long i last. Here's the first random character/creature painting i did.

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