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I truly think smoking 🍃 with Kim would fix him.

12 71

Kim flipping through his journal

0 3

someone help this repressed homo won’t get out of my brain

16 74

smth i won’t finish

40 219

Старі елізіумські роботи, поки я роблю перерву від творчості на користь пошуку роботи

12 53

for that shivers word vomit fic

18 128

Dolores Dei
Me está encantando experimentar trazos y texturas

1 11

"Little weaver of dreams, pluck out of your web a story.
Spin me a tale so large and grand, that I may forgot my sorrow." Well, I certainly have a take on Inland Empire :>

5 11

What if your brain just made god torment you every day?

18 111