Flex Mentallo So good. An honest exploration of the evolution of superhero comics and of the way one experiences the hobby through life — for better or worse. It’s silly superhero metafiction, but Morrison touches it with so much of his own truth. Stellar issue.

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Alguém esperava menos?

Segunda temporada de "Patrulha do Destino" estreia com 100% de aprovação no Rotten Tomatoes.

O segundo ano da série estreia amanhã com os três primeiros episódios disponíveis na

49 366

My alternative, fan-made poster for 's Season 1. I had so much fun working on this one, hope you enjoy it! Can't wait for season 2 to start this weekend!

7 21

Novo pôster promocional da 2ª temporada de

A série estreia dia 25 de Junho na DC Universe e HBO Max.

2 15

Bask in the glory that is the Season 2 poster, designed by , and available exclusively to our Rewards Program members starting June 25th! 🧱 In case you forgot, a brand new season also begins on this Thursday with 3 all-new episodes!

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Doom Patrol This is a great start toward the endgame of this entire run, one that has me excited to see where things up. Like I said yesterday, it’s corporate superhero comics, so there is a good guys win coming, but the way it’s done makes that easy to forget.

1 10

Doom Patrol A pretty direct extension of last issue, with the intensity continuing to increase basically until it hits a breaking point. I mean, I knew the good guys would somehow win...but this kind of tension makes it easier to forget that along the way.

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Willoughby Kipling was created because editorial would not allow Doom Patrol to use John Constantine for fear of spoiling the realism of the character. Rather than base his replacement character on Sting, Kipling is meant to look like Richard E. Grant's Withnail.

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Doom Patrol Epic chase/battle with stellar cartooning throughout. The Candlemaker peels away characters one by one until it’s just he and Cliff, which is the most compelling scenario for us anyway. Though, I suspect the others will somehow return.

1 12

Doom Patrol This was a quick and ominous issue, with the threat that sort of punctuation marked the last issue bearing down on everyone...until re-enforcements arrive (Rebis!), and are instantly dismantled. A good read, but really sets the stage for next time.

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I am here to bless you all with NEW images of 's Doctor Tyme from Doom Patrol Season 2!

Much to look forward to with this one & check out the translation from the comic pages to real life!

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Doom Patrol The entire run has worked hard to be odd, but this issue more than any other sheds linear storytelling conventions to give us an abstract look at Rebis and all the parts of their person. It’s a big lift for the art and it’s handled well.

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Doom Patrol I like this turn, it feels right...that the Doom Patrol is up against some of their members sympathizing with their absurdist foes while another has their own bizarre agenda to pursue. Undone by their own absurdity, basically.

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Doom Patrol This was as fun as an oversized issue with multiple artists gets, really, owing mostly to the quality of the artists, which include Jamie Hewlett (!!) and Rian Hughes, with Richard Case drawing the framing sequence.

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