Модерн ау с Ревусом-астрофизиком.
Надо бы довести до полноценки. Но я уже в пижаме... (цэ)

5 15

Did You Know: While the ceding of Solstheim to Morrowind is often portrayed as a humanitarian act by the Kingdom of Skyrim, the Dunmer Sul claims the act was purely pragmatic and self-serving?

32 394

I’ll put Vance in everything because I like him 😭

0 6

For example, one of the most striking persistent myths associated with Vivec is the story that Vivec conspired with his co-rulers Almalexia and Sotha Sil in the murder of Lord Nerevar, the greatest of Dunmer heroes and generals.

16 203

feeling more motivated, did some simple headshots of a few OCs of mine 👏
(Enu, Scaelian, Khaled & Cassius)

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Mine grumpy trans dunmer old man? (Dandien Meryil)

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Stage 3/4 has the coolest eyes for dunmer imo but Im still sad it makes them so pasty 😔

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Finally got to drawing my ESO gal, and she ended looking like she belongs in Castlevania. Oh well Im not complaining :3

Greymoor motif but robe is a long coat

3 9

Did You Know: Ashlanders who give up the nomadic lifestyle to live in cities are looked down upon by both nomadic Ashlanders and House Dunmer? Ashlanders despise them as weaklings, while the House Dunmer treat them as an underclass.

23 342

when the song creator replies (best feeling in the world besides cocaine)😩😩😩

gonna become an argonian simp... dunmer were cool i guess if they weren't from morrowind and supported literal slavery) but saxhleel lizard ppl?? the coolest. love them. they swim & have my love.

0 1

CW for saucy theme. 👀💦

I'm... perhaps loving the new outfit a little bit too much. And I have a thing with collars/chokers. So here's my boy Kyriion... wanting some fun. 👀👉👈

5 56

Покрашенная версия. Не знаю орать мне или рыдать, поэтому на всякий случай делаю и то, и другое😭

10 63

zosssss pleasse like i know you really really like to recycle the same dunmer and imperial statues in zanil's store but please, for the love of god, consider throwing a bone to altmers i bEG YOU
these ones have been in the game for agES aLREADY!!
the lady in the 1st pic?? when???

7 69

too tired to draw decently so here's a dumb sketch of my dumb dunmer and her dumb familiar

5 60


This is my Vestige, Divayth Yen! Simple farmer guy, born in the Ascadian Isles. Former knight, currently a mercenary, gastronomical pilgrim and mage apprentice. Also the next thing you'd get of a cowboy Dunmer, and no i will not elaborate.

6 47

Wonder if people get the pose reference. 😄
But yeah, Pirate Kyriion. Not sure if canon.

10 64

Redrawing my Skyrim OC, this time it's Nathyne Sarvani 🔮
I don't know why, but i like her facial structure in the old one than now. Looks like I'll be experimenting again in the future.

2021 vs 2019

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"Evolution of the Dunmer throughout the Elder Scrolls games"
I love this 😂😂😂

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