画質 高画質

My webtoons won’t work properly so the update will have to wait. In the meantime here’s that background but colored!

P.s. if I added your characters as cameos I also wrote really embarrassing ads for your comics you’re welcome no need to thank me I’ll share later

1 34

Oh jeez this is embarrassing she really thought she was onto something …

0 2

Some secrets are only embarrassing when told by others ft. Qiu Bai and the Sui siblings
(Part 3/3)

19 129

Some secrets are only embarrassing when told by others ft. Qiu Bai and the Sui siblings
(Part 2/3)

22 135

Original comic by so all credits to them, this is just a rough EN TL, 謝謝老師!
Some secrets are only embarrassing when told by others ft. Qiu Bai and the Sui siblings
(Part 1/3)

35 250

I mean my friends/older oomfs just call me my legal name but. God. Embarrassing https://t.co/lXMlIHHdo2

0 14

Matt and Gus are both so embarrassing when they have a crush Matt just straight up insults people and Gus just kind of does whatever this is

9 110


yknow if mercury was a canon stocean character he'd be treated exactly like this and its embarrassing https://t.co/eQvrVWABZk

7 45

Just type of drawing of Magilily, since course I did on lots of artworks of those chicks.
So here's, well, flirting you through embarrassing. Yet making you flirt with her, much that she wants ya.

2 9

Thank you for the tag!
Hopping on board the art train!!! 🐥 kind of embarrassing I mostly just have doodles hehe... 😬

Gonna tag

because I love their art!!! 🥰 https://t.co/iKUeHdaaRO

0 6

Your avatar is KID Buu. Shut the hell up and stop embarrassing DBZ fans. https://t.co/O0gAA9KdB3

24 128

This is so embarrassing but looking at some of my faves in Arknights is like.. Such a call out to myself for the characters i like 💀
The pathetic twink, the buff lady, the unhinged freak and gender

0 9

anyways all of you who r gonna unfollow should follow me instead, i draw and i would never become an embarrassing anti like below😋 heres some art https://t.co/aJ7iYC41iS

1 19

What better way to beat out your editorial competition, than to eat your competition?
No more candid and embarrassing photos!

176 820

Oh God that's embarrassing

0 14

The sorceress' bloating predicament has only gotten more embarrassing as the reaction in her expanded belly has become rather volatile...

She's a walking, over-inflated balloon, stay back.

143 809

Middle grade book

'The morals of the story were woven in such a way that made my son understand them. It covered bullying and how to handle things that happen and are embarrassing.'


1 0

(posts embarrassing teen confession attempt at ridiculous hour of the night while im at it)

3 13