Hands up if you're FABULASS! 🦄🍑🙋🏻 I hope you all have a fabulous bank holiday! 😁

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Some close ups! Acta est fabula is a project that I work on with and it's very dear to us 💖

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Got some close ups for you!
Ozaki is part of the Acta est fabula project I created with 🌱

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I DIDNT CONTRIBUTE MUCH WITH ART FOR THE PROJECT IN THESE TWO YEARS this is basically all ive done BUT IM STILL VERY PASSIONATE FOR ACTA EST FABULA!! I want to work on it more and hopefully drawing the rest of the fake ssr cards soon??

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Retocant l'esbós fent l'estudi de colors. Hi han coses que no acabo de veure i no crec que les mantingui. Les aniré modificant a mesura que vaig treballant.

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this is fin who is the main character of fabula glacies, has terrible insomnia due to suffering ptsd and truama caused by the time when he was being experimented on. he is pretty terrified of using magic due to how sensitive people are about it and doesn't exactly have control

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fabular show toniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight ★

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it's...fabulance ☀️

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Las prodigiosas portadas de , distintivo de los 8 números de . Aquí, las últimas 4
¿Has visto algo más sorprendente?
Para adquirir los números 1 al 8, escribe a fabulasext.com
¡Vamos ya a imprenta con el número 8!
INF: https://t.co/CWartUADPF

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Las prodigiosas portadas de , distintivo de los 8 números de . Aquí, las primeras 4
¿Has visto algo más sorprendente?
Para adquirir los números 1 al 8, escribe a fabulasext.com
¡Vamos ya a imprenta con el número 8!
INF: https://t.co/CWartUADPF

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Los monstruos marinos eran enigmáticas criaturas que llegadas de otros mares encargados de acompañar y asegurar la llegada de Posidonia al país de los ríos para que pudiese florecer.

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【Lupus in fabula.】鈴木勝非公式写真集


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【Lupus in fabula.】鈴木勝非公式写真集


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Feliz Yo hoy celebro en jugando a a las 18.00, cenando un en en la famosa catedral construída por los

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Don't miss Peter Howson: Acta Est Fabula closing this Saturday 22 December.

Flowers Gallery, Kingsland Road.

Image: Peter Howson, Anak, 2018.


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