379 - Registeel
Type: Steel

Abilities: Clear-body, Light-metal

0 0

378 - Regice
Type: Ice

Abilities: Clear-body, Ice-body

0 0

377 - Regirock
Type: Rock

Abilities: Clear-body, Sturdy

0 1

376 - Metagross
Type: Steel / Psychic

Abilities: Clear-body, Light-metal

0 1

375 - Metang
Type: Steel / Psychic

Abilities: Clear-body, Light-metal

0 0

373 - Salamence
Type: Dragon / Flying

Abilities: Intimidate, Moxie

0 1

372 - Shelgon
Type: Dragon

Abilities: Rock-head, Overcoat

0 0

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2 18

371 - Bagon
Type: Dragon

Abilities: Rock-head, Sheer-force

0 0

369 - Relicanth
Type: Water / Rock

Abilities: Swift-swim, Rock-head, Sturdy

0 1

368 - Gorebyss
Type: Water

Abilities: Swift-swim, Hydration

0 0

367 - Huntail
Type: Water

Abilities: Swift-swim, Water-veil

0 0

366 - Clamperl
Type: Water

Abilities: Shell-armor, Rattled

0 0

365 - Walrein
Type: Ice / Water

Abilities: Thick-fat, Ice-body, Oblivious

0 0

364 - Sealeo
Type: Ice / Water

Abilities: Thick-fat, Ice-body, Oblivious

0 0

363 - Spheal
Type: Ice / Water

Abilities: Thick-fat, Ice-body, Oblivious

0 0

362 - Glalie
Type: Ice

Abilities: Inner-focus, Ice-body, Moody

0 0

361 - Snorunt
Type: Ice

Abilities: Inner-focus, Ice-body, Moody

0 0

360 - Wynaut
Type: Psychic

Abilities: Shadow-tag, Telepathy

0 0

357 - Tropius
Type: Grass / Flying

Abilities: Chlorophyll, Solar-power, Harvest

0 0