Good Morning, Midwest Voters! Today's so remember to make time &

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The many can unseat the few. Exercise your right!

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Don't make your kids carry your burden. for their future!

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is TOMORROW! Visit & share some of our awesome art!

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early voting is underway! If you're not a tot, you better Votato!

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That’s the spirit! The team at submitted this fun art to encourage folks to get to the polls!

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FACT: Women did not have the right to vote in the US until 1919!

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Let's keep this voter energy up! Here's a fantastic gif from

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Artist Molly Mendoza created this design to send “a message for all ladies about feminine health positivity”

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In Space, no one can hear you complain abt the govt! Visit & follow 4 more!

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Artist Zack Davenport () submitted this patriotic

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Hey As goes the Golden State, so goes the country: so on

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ICYMI: This week's header is made by the one & only ! Find more at

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Artist submitted this fun to remind us all to enjoy life & to

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