[Ref sheet updated]
My character/sona 谢伟伦 (Wei Lun/ Waylon). 伟伦 in english is spelled Wei Lun which all his english speaking friends pronounces it as Waylon cause its phonetically similar. He's a PI (private investigator) that knows kungfu.

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Aste honetako aldizkariaren gehigarrian: UMOREA ETA BOTERE HARREMANAK. eta ri elkarrizketa eta nere azaleko marrazkia ;-)

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i can't believe i brought back that psycho catgirl nurse. honetly, i just wanted to draw some major cleavage

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When astronauts speak via radio, they use the NATO phonetic alphabet so what they say is clear. A = 'Alpha', B = 'Bravo'!

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Here are the emotions and phonetics for Rottytops in her opening scene!

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結構何でもOKっス( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ )
2次元大好きな気持ちは誰にも負けない!?( ˙-˙ )

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Not updating my software out of spite...

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my dragon honeth with the eldunari of his dad! Ty for the inspiration! :3

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Toy time machine.
T: "When did you make that time machine?"
D: "When the phonetic toy wouldn't let me write a swear

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Gif sketch from today's stream of ! First time doing this, need to work on my phonetic mouth shapes

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Our April 2013 bulletin cover: Late Ordovician (Katian; Richmondian) brachiopod *Eochonetes clarksvillensis*

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Arratsalde honetan, 16:00etatik aurrera, Euskadi Irratiko saioan izanen nauzue komikigintzaz hizketan.

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The Phonetic Alphabet continued, Oboe through Zebra

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