Policjanci zamordowali dwie niewinne czarnoskóre osoby najpierw Gorge Floyd a teraz kobieta, która została zepchnięta z balkonu. Takich osób było i jest znacznie więcej. Oni powinni żyć a to co się dzieje na tym świecie jest okropne.

850 2218

i’m not black, but i see you.
i’m not black, but i hear you.
i’m not black, but i mourn with you.
i’m not black, but i will fight for you.

241 421

Please educate them how to respect other people how to value others live
don’t care if you’re a fan account or you’re part of stan twitter, you have followers, and you have the power to spread the word

246 891

I made a draw about what happened to George Floyd.. I'm just too mad with the world now...

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they had names, speak their names, share their stories

quote and pass it on

195 315

Where is your Freedom America?
Is it only for the white?
Shame on you!

We people of Iran support our black Brothers and Sisters 🇮🇷💔

91 214

El país que se las da de ser la democracia moderna más antigua del mundo y "The land of the free" permitiendo las formas de violencia basadas en el prejuicio

3 11

We kneel to take a stand but he knelt and killed a man....#ICantBreathe

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A tribute to George Floyd, fellow resident of S. Minneapolis who was tragically murdered by MPD officers. Anyone is free to use this image without credit.

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