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More Lion pride. This time featuring our lovely NB paladin, Pidge.

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Some fanart because someone wished for on instagram.

I miss good ol' time. It was a goo time for cosplay and meeting new people. 💜

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這是一部好動畫,雖然我畫的是裡面我最愛的CP XDDD


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Reminder! Contributor Applications are still open until May 1st! We're looking for artists, writers, and merch artists! Application links are pinned!

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I forgot it's Pidge Birthday, my favourite Paladin ! 💚

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Park Ranger!Pidge design for an AU i came up with recently. Got some anatomy practice in too :) And yes it does have fjfjdjdnxn

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one of my favorite arts on the Sheith Calendar 2021🍂

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