I made a zombie man oc. I know me voluntarily drawing a man is rare lol

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That's where the powers come in. The realm and it's embodiment Hiisi (with capital H within this world because here it's a godlike, antropomorf entity) involuntary shape him into a counterweight, forest god Tapio, heart of local spirits and magic
The issue is, Zhenya's not—

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Working on a thing. I'm getting to what I'm pretty sure is gonna be the hardest part, but here's a peek before I go voluntarily lose my mind.

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Agradecemos a todos aquellos que se presentaron voluntarios ayer tanto aquí como en Facebook para el reclutamiento de keso.

Les recuerdo que esto será únicamente por septiembre y totalmente voluntario, por lo que si deseas irte luego de acabar el mes, eres libre de hacerlo 😁👍🏻

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Sabian que existe una version miko de sakuyamon? Sakuyamon miko mode es una sakuyamon que alcanzo el nivel maximo de rituales sintoistas y escucho la voluntad de Dios. Su capacidad para exorcisa espiritus malignos a llegado al maximo.

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I just finished a 6week background drawing workshop taught by a wonderful artist named Betsy Luntao (https://t.co/Chxf3FPNB3). She had us select characters to center our assignments around and I went with my magical girl OCs Aria(left) and Lark(right). 1/5

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"Involuntarily celibate, sexist, and racist.

He has got it all." https://t.co/aQFOHoWIF7

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Cósmic le enseño su habilidad de crecimiento a voluntad a Rhada

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We don’t forget because our sea-horse hippocampus fails us, but often voluntarily mental happens from one to another unrelated characteristic.

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A este paso, la voluntad de Luffy nunca dejara de existir.

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REMINDER! Artist Hollie Van De Vyver is popping up on Humber Street this weekend, with a special gallery fundraiser to support Ladled With Love, a wonderful voluntary organisation which runs soup kitchens to help Hull's homeless.

📆 20th-21st August, 10am-3pm
📍 25 Humber Street

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Mi favorito es mi OC Noha.

Tiene un diseño fácil de dibujar, tengo una facilidad a la hora de alterar su historia para que encaje en variedad de roles.
Es básicamente el primer Oc que más cariño le tome y creo que me sería imposible cambiar eso a menos que sea contra mi voluntad https://t.co/4nOi6sbHwg

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ontem eu fiz este desenho para minha prima que serve voluntariamente numa obra social de apoio a mulheres grávidas e puérperas da Mansão do Caminho e eu tô simplesmente A-PAI-XO-NA-DO por ele 💕🥹✨

espero que voces gostem 🧡

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The most important argument for why abortion must be legal, I think, is that it's simply immoral to force people to become involuntarily life support systems.

transcript: https://t.co/s5HCirrupg

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Artist Hollie Van De Vyver is popping up on Humber Street next weekend, with a special gallery fundraiser to support Ladled with Love, a wonderful voluntary organisation which runs soup kitchens to help Hull's homeless.

📆 20th-21st August, 10am-3pm
📍 25 Humber Street

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ambas son en el fondo chicas sensibles que las circunstancias las han obligado a actuar de cierta forma negativa y perjudicar al resto pero en el fondo tienen mucho cariño para dar y una gran voluntad para cambiar y hacer el bien estoy Tristísimo

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Currently thinking about how I unintentionally made one of my friends involuntarily cringe at their old artwork back in April and how funny it was.

I am so sorry to that friend if they wind up seeing it; I just thought about it just now and it made me laugh.

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