Art train choo choo~
Once I'm properly medicated
I can do more art faster

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So last night while medicated out of my mind I wrote "good ideas" I had on my notepad while on the phone with . I have no idea what they were supposed to mean.

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preteen vs now

Hair-in-face depressed insecure emo freshmen wearing anime merch; spends next 3 years in high school sad over a pretty boy who rejected her

VS depress-medicated but stressed adult & anime fan with better music taste, glasses, fashion, and taste in fictional men

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5 year improvement from this piece I did at the height of my daily panic attacks and self harm. It's sort of a mental health improvement piece too! I've been self harm free for almost??? 3 years? At least addiction free! I'm medicated and I have panic attacks like... twice a year

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5. Natsutte Party Party!
i think the only word in my vocabulary i can use to accurately describe this song is "unmedicated". natsutte party party would make a victorian child have a panic attack and die. i love this song

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Red (short for Redemption) is my newly lvl 6 teifling circle of the land druid. He is extremely nervous and paranoid, due to his upbringing, and self medicates with whatever he can get his hands on. He’s also a fat trans man who doesn’t regularly bind, like me!

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1st grade vs present
Started off as annoying baby who talked to strangers and got into fights 4 no reason and am now medicated skaterboy loser

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2015 -> 2020
Was depressed. Am still depressed. Just medicated out of my B ~ R ~ A ~ I ~ N

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was hard to find 2015 pics

2015 abusive household, failing college, unable to enjoy my interests suicidal/depressed, trying to come out of the closet, to 2020 medicated/therapy, proudly out and living on my own, moving in with my boyfriend, and doing my best to move forward

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Happier, Properly Medicated, Sober, Married...but still about to have a breakdown in 2020 because GODDAMN.

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2015 // 2020
not much has changed except that i’ve gotten angrier, but less sad because I’m medicated now

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2015: shy af, low self esteem. thought i was ace/aro bc my dysphoria was so bad i didn’t believe anyone could or should love me. in the closet. unmedicated bipolar disorder.
Now: out and transitioned. medicated and stable after years of therapy. much more confident in self.

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2015: Anxious, working two jobs, struggling after a couple years of Bad Stuff. But married to my bestie ! ✨
2020: Anxious but medicated! Goin through stuff but happier about most things! And still married! 💖

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2012 | 2020
I lost my mother to cancer and wasn't getting the mental health support I desprately needed / failed my second year at college. Fast forward and I'm still depressed, medicated and got my vices but I'm still here and proud of my finally realized bisexuality.

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Highschool Me VS Current Me

HS was rough....Didnt accept my sexuality or anything about myself. I was being abused by a ex and someone I once called my best friend. Just... really rough time..

But now!
I'm medicated and trying... so hard to get better!

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High school me VS Current me

Angy sad anxious mess vs still all that And More but gayer, stylish, medicated, more powerful

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I dont draw enough to post this but IM GONNA ANYWAY!
I'm Taru/Kitty and Im a 24 year old just trying to practice while juggling 2 jobs and unmedicated ADHD <3 Its hard but I think I've improved a bit despite not being active in it like I should!

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Well that didn't last long.. good thing I got 2 gallon bags of medicated

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CW: Booby
Had a kinda rough day today so I self-medicated with art of my new WoW character

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