I drew something for this mobiversary and then realized I had done a redraw of a manga panel that has yet to be animated. Tried to do an anime redraw and it's meehh. In short I don't have it in me to cook up a new piece so here's an old one from mobtober. Love this show to pieces

18 144

MOBTOBER DAY 31, thank u so much if u stuck around for this challenge!

7 20

mobtober 2021 day 14
cow mob and bunny ritsu (unevolved)

32 178

Día 25: Fuego / Girasol
No sé dibujar fuego D: pero dejando eso de lado me siento decepcionada de mi misma por no hacer todos los días del Mobtober

1 7

Day 7 frog / rana 🥦🌻🌻🥦🥄

2 22

MOBTOBER 2021 Day 6 Milk / Leche
queria hacer el tres con los dedos como hacian con el conteo pero me salio medio deforme JASJAJS

8 35

mobtober 2021 day 12
baseball kageyama brothers mob and ritsu

78 326

Día 12: Posesión/Reigen
Ayer no dibujé por pereza D:

4 16

mobtober 2021 day 11
evolved reigen

42 226

mobtober day 9… tsubomi-chan u r so cool

13 26

mobtober 2021 day 9
yukata mob

59 245

mobtober 2021 day 8
ritsu and mob in wonderland

60 261

mobtober 2021 day 6
mob in swimwear

42 188