Another practice piece!
It’s Niret’s reaction to hearing that anime mullets are way out of style.

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Time to draw OCs you created when you were an early teen. For some reason I thought mullets were the coolest thing, as well as looking like a halloween skunk. Inel was SO COOL to me and I drew her between drawing Sailor Moon and CLAMP fanart.

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black and pink mullets.......something to consider

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This is extremely cursed and I'm regretting it already, from now on real mullets aren't allowed in this house

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seeing kiri talk about mullets made me realise... i also unintentionally practice mulletism,, congrats u got me guys

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It was Donald Duck’s 85th Birthday over the weekend and a new short premiered for it! “Two can’t play” is now up for viewing! I drew a lot of duck mullets.

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heres a haldir where i actually referenced pictures of mullets instead of just winging it

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My last Mulletseok sketches I swear- I him 🌾🤠

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Today's warmup is a redesign of my oldest character who was a nidorino gijinka. Now I give characters mullets, apparently

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Galra seem to grow fantastic mullets, so I thought Throk probably does too. There has be someone taking care of that hair on a regular basis to keep it trimmed to two flat ponytails. He can afford it being that far up the chain.

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Day 11 of : History AU ❤️🍨☀️

Mullets were a socially acceptable haircut back then hu ?

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In almost 2 weeks, after 43 tiring tries, and almost 2 hours of red mullets, and the second time ever, i finally got the grey mullet once again. Like they always say, Don't give up, and theres always a comeback!

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Our conservators have been working with students to practice different techniques of historical painting. All of their "copies" mimic techniques artists used to create works in our collections. Here you can see the early stages of recreating "Red Mullets" from printouts.

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I saw this guy on the street the other day and his bright pink mullet was kinda seared into my memory so I had to draw him :/

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i love boys with mullets but only if theyre from hit boy band seventeen

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