Naw, they did the guy dirty. He looks more like Ryze with that face structure. TF has a nice face but this splash didn't do it justice.

0 0

aw hell naw look who they got workin the cheeseria

157 1046

nov 1st?? naw bro wdym its still spoopy month

32 153

Naw das klingt nicht schön :(
Fühl dich von mir gedrückt! Es wird bestimmt bald besser. Ruh dich gut aus, trink viel und mach dir eine Gemüsebrühe 💚

0 1

naw man wtf happened to my neck!!!
also happy halloween 🎃

1 11

“aw hell naw squed word’s ah poke ay man”

Yes, this is what I made for Halloween. A Fakémon line based off of Red Mist/Squidward’s Suicide. Also, the mega is based off of @/VsSquidward because that’s funny.

Happy Halloween.

0 3

Monkey D. Guffy

Naw, but he's drawn a much better one

0 1

🔴: These are the fellas I met before and now!

⚡️: Well I'll be, you sure did gather alot of people around here. Surprised you didn't even ask anyone to fight or pull some pranking

🔴: Oh naw that comes later

⚡️: I beg ur pardon?

🔴: ANYWAYYS y'all, this my best bud, Thunder!

18 108

Aw hell naw there the same person??

7 47

Thanks Ronnie, I'm taking everything like a normal person, I'm not sobbing or freaking out in any way shape or form, not licking the screen either, naw uh

0 6

So I had this idea for awhile with Binary Bard & Dr. Hare, probably half a year now actually. It’s honestly a coincidence I finished it now just in time for spooky month, XDDD

I wanted to wait until Halloween to post this, but naw, I’m too excited to show this!

8 30

oh hell naw goofy aah new pfp,

just kidding, New PFP,

1 6

I feel like if someone took one look at me they'd think I'd go for Kogami cause he's the main "hot" one of the group but naw it HAD to be the old man

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