Oct 25, 2014. By: Nolder
[1 Yeah!] [0 replies] (US)
"Dat flame doe."

0 0

Emil Herrin und Fremdling (Mistress and Stranger).

15 57

Summer Afternoon
oil on canvas
Emil Nolde (German, 1867-1956)

10 30

Emil Nolde ( 1867-1956 ) The Dancers Series

"Let us read, and let us dance; these two amusements will never do any harm to the world"

19 37

🌈☀️#buongiorno a tutti🌻

emil nolde

20 80

Couple on the beach, 1903 by Emile Nolde

25 58

Emile Nolde ❤️ Sea with Red Sky

4 15

[Jesus] answered and said unto them, [I]n the morning, ye say, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowring. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?

-- Gospel according to Matthew

🎨 Emil Nolde (1947)

35 61