wowwwoowoww a monster girl???
from mee????
wild i kno

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Forgot to post some posts that I did eventually get around to earlier in the month

This ones 's OC, Kami

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Day 21-24 of Spitballers OC-Tober challenge!
Hanz (my own OC)
Dark Drekaost- Knowon

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Finally: Day 29-31st of the challenge. My character: Sora, 's character Demetria, and 's character Neon!

This has been such a wonderful great challenge and I've LOVED drawing all my friend's OCs this month!

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Day 25-28 of My character: Yukari, 's character Mythias, and two of 's characters: Amaya and Tenvoid

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Day 21-24 of the challenge, Characters are 's Dualhanz 's Vistra, and 's Jasmine, as well as my friend Knowon's character: Dark Draekaost (in the upper right)

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My persona! Do you guys like? I thought I hated this at first but now I'm kinda okay with it actually, although the hair needs more work

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New profile pic! It's my OC, Nicolas, he feels trans(he was a girl), but feels attracted to both genders, that's why there is BI flag in the background<3
I really like him. He is really kind and stuff.

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Abbie and Jonas have both dated Thom but they’re on track to become besties

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I still don't have a name for him, yet.
This is supposed to be the principal charácter for my story
If you have any names sugestión just tell me! ^^

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