eh? Bringing it back because I don’t draw myself ever :)

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I just saw that it is so today's warm-up is a selfie I guess 😆

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The best self portrait I've ever done of myself has to be the one involving the pasta plant

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It's !

I need a new haircut

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Since it's , I tried to do one based on my Halloween selfie :)

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Happy International Self Portrait Day!

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No portrait this year, but since it's here's my 2017 and 2018 pieces.
Apparently I become edgier as I grow older 👀

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Had to finish an old selfportrait before starting a new one for
This was hard 🙃

1 12

Tomorrow is !!
Here’s 2014-2017 ☺️
2018 is lurking around here already 🙃

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Im late, but oh well at least I did it haha. selfportrait day donee. It was 1st november.. just a lil late.

1 7

It seems to be here's an update! <3

3 29

Almost forgot about Here I am as Rake, the rebel mage of game, that I'm working on

1 1

Late for but then again when aren't I.

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It was yesterday, unfortunately I found out too late and I couldn't finish one on time. Anyways... Here's a self portrait.

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Today's witch is... wait a minute! That's me! It's So I thought it would be fun to draw myself similar to my inktober series. You can call me the art witch! With my cat Oliver as my familiar! Though it would be not fun to have my drawings come to life.

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Nearly forgot like I do every year. So here's a quickie <3

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