Los mejores amigos son los que te ayudan a dar lo mejor de ti, aunque a veces duela (Proverbios 27:6) Etiqueta a esos amigos que te han ayudado de esta manera

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It’s himself’s 65th . Thanks to and I commissioned - I almost forgot as it was filed away in that proverbial safe place (photo stream hiding in amongst the saved the day. He loves it. 🤣

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"La lluvia solo es un problema si no te quieres mojar".
Proverbio japonés

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Today’s brand new comic is busy breaking down some proverbial walls! And some actual walls.


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Guess who's ill again!! Life just looooves tossing me into the proverbial incinerator.

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Inktober 23: Muddy
Like a pig in the proverbial.

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De la mano De Dios tu esperanza jamás será destruida (Proverbios 23:18).

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This is an awesome idea! I for sure want to throw a proverbial hat into the ring. Have a Fijit! Gnome rogue extraordinaire

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UnProverbio arabo dice che ogni parola dovrebbe passare
da tre porte
Sulla prima e scritto"È vera?"
Sulla seconda"È necessaria ?"
Sulla terza"È gentile?"
Una parola giusta può superare
le tre porte




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Depositar tu confianza en la fuente de la fidelidad te da seguridad (Proverbios 3:5-6 ).

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Hey y'all! It's time! I'm Sarah Cosico and I'm an Illustrator living in the PNW. I'm still trying to bust my foot through that proverbial door, but I LOVE drawing people and Potter!!


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ACERTIJO: El humilde la acepta, el sabio la recibe, el orgulloso la niega y el necio la desprecia (Proverbios 15:32).

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No puedes controlar las cosas que te suceden, pero sí puedes controlar tu reacción hacia ellas (Proverbios 29:11).

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I grabbed an older environment sketch and proverbially whipped it into shape.

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Un bagno rinfresca il corpo,
una tazza di tè lo spirito.
~ Proverbio giapponese

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Los besos son como las cerezas... uno lleva al otro. Proverbio Italiano. Ilustración

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Estrategia y consejo: dos tesoros para iniciar tu día (Proverbios 20:18)

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Today's Half Life Art is called 069Dr.Lulamoon by monitus

Apparently it's a crossover but since I live in the proverbial Half-Life hole, I don't know what the crossover is.

You probably do. Please don't feel the need to tell me.


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Para alegrar tu corazón, a veces todo lo que necesitas es la canción apropiada (Proverbios 17:22)

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