Non accogliere le illusioni
Comporta volontà
E il pieno controllo delle emozioni
Quando il frastuono dei pensieri
Mettono in subbuglio la mente
E placandosi tornano lievi e razionalizzo
Che bastarmi e amarmi è sufficiente
Senza dimenticare
La diffidenza e la prudenza che salvano

92 201

GN 👋🙂

👸"𝓚𝓲𝓪𝓻𝓪"( Digital Painting )

"KIARA is the goddess of Ocean and The liquid Element ≋.

She is the Protector of Sea, The Queen of Atlantis,
Beautiful, Wise, Just and Prudent."

-From my Collection Limitless Beauty :

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💥 You never know what to expect when it comes to Hollywood -- just ask Prudence... 's Cthulhutown is here.


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"Hay malos sueños para aquellos que duermen imprudentemente"~Bram Stoker

4 10

Se un vertice cerco di prudenza

il tuo cuore mi dà un dirupo fitto di cicuta

e affanno d’amara scienza



14 14

Just added 2 more Wickens 🥰🍄

Look how cute they are!

Here I have Prudence on the left and I have Leta Notsostrange on the right!

Prudence is always a good vibe around, could be bc she carries her sage. While Leta is a charming deviant who came from a line of Slytherins.

3 6

It is prudent to tickle a newborn's nose with pepper as soon as possible—for babies aren't safe from the fairies until after their first sneeze.

Art: Brian Froud

8 32

Happy birthday little angel. By me

And so she shines, fire and glaring hopes, and so she shines may the lord have them desires, and so she may shine with fire of a burning perpetual prudence, with fire she may shine.

0 7

my little prudence as a kid! she has a very very bright future ahead of her :)!

5 14

📘Sinopse: A história se passa em Tóquio, depois que bolhas choveram na Terra que anularam a gravidade. Hibiki, famoso por seu estilo imprudente de parkour, se descuida e corre para um mar flutuante, onde é salvo por uma garota misteriosa...

0 4

🦇 Prudence Tendaji - 🦇

Introducing Prudence, a High-Elf and a School of Necromancy Wizard, a self-taught woman!
When you tried all the known solutions to a problem, you go to her, she might have a darker one 💀

She will be played by the delightful

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“Portrait of Heward Grafftey”, 1936, by Prudence Heward. Heward Grafftey, Member of Parliament for the riding of Brome—Missisquoi from 1958 to 1968, was a nephew of Prudence Heward and included a chapter on her in his 1996 book "Portraits from a Life".

0 4

What a crazy trip this has been. But 2500 of you wonderful people. Feels good that what I do for my own fun and enjoyment makes others happy and ah...feel other things as well. Only prudent I celebrate with a raffle, yes? You're all wonderful, thank you for everything! ~♥

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🎶Si te parece prudente~ esta propuesta indecente?🌹🎶

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- Prudentia - The Lynx -
One of the four animals used to represent the four virtues of fencing in the Fior di Battaglia manuscript (1410), with the Lynx symbolizing Prudence. The Lynx excels at measuring distance and timing with the most prudent caution.

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Hoy me toco hacer esta comisión, sera prudente que comience a hacer este tipo de trabajos(?)

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Tunde from A Song of Wraiths & Ruin
Chichi from Akata Witch
Ambrose & Prudence from CA Sabrina
The crocodile from Redemptor

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