Hi, I’m DarkraiLady and I love to draw pokemon related stuff ^^

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vs Thoroughly exhausting with four more years to go. Cartoon was published in the Star newspaper

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Austrailan Mirka Mora was in Paris.
"#Art is free, but of course you have to be alert to catch it when it comes onto the canvas. I don’t choose the they choose me."

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VS Kenyans like their politics hot and spicy,( sprinkle some negative ethnicity and petty politics) and the politicians know this too well, Cartoon was published in the Star Newspaper

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Welcome to the political intrigues of 2019. Cartoon was published in the Star Newspaper

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Brutal no holds barred brawl and the unresolved NYS 1 mystery. Cartoon was published in the Star Newspaper.

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BUILDING BRIDGES INITIATIVE is really building some personal initiatives! Cartoon published in the Star News paper

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Oh well.... Cartoon was published in the Star Newspaper

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Iraila, the biological mother of Neptune, who died unfortunately due to an illness, after her death, the father of Neptune, had to look for another woman to marry, and Neptune had a new mother the one who abused her , and the father does not do anything for the money.

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s once fierce critic appointed its special envoy... cartoon was published in the Star newspaper

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'It's my turn to drive'.....Cartoon for the Star Newspaper

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The grand scheme of things! Cartoon for the Star Newspaper

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Heldu da lanera bueltatzeko eguna. Datorren ostiraletik aurrera, IRAILAK 14, -k 8.a izango den ikastaroari hasiera emango dio ohiko ordutegian.

Ostiralero: 15.00etatik 16.00etara
Errepikapena: Larunbateko 17.00etan.


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Kenyans never thought a day would come when they would miss 'mass action' calls. Cartoon published in the Star Newspaper

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but what about cosmic queen raila tho 👀

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Adding in this amazing commission by of Lilith and 's OC Raila

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