An zine! I was very into this crossover when I was younger. You can still get the zine here: - 7/?

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Guess what movie I watched again recently? ❄️
Uplifting films like RotG have become my routine late night distractions. created pure childhood magic with this series and he is ALSO the illustrator of the picture books! 🙌😩 What an absolute icon

16 63

1. Toothiana from Rise of the Guardians

10 89

Icons commission for ah so many fandom memories, should really draw some rotg

9 33

🥺Sugar Daddy ✨ 💦
Miren ese potencial papá-


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Sample from my shop(?
There's a doll of Jack Frost❄ by myself design. It's been a long time actually 😂😂😂 Anyway, it's good to see the idea becomes true and I really want another one of Hiccup.

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Crystal:You think this is funny?
Jack:Well, yeah; does it not suit you?
Crystal:You are lucky that I like you as a character pal. And the fact that you're immortal.

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"Good night snowflakes."

11 36