Had time on holiday to bust out a quick illustration ^.^ salisbury hare ...aidoru?

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Salisbury's got the same natural black and white as any other skunk.

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Now that it's a canon that Salisbury's fur is dyed I was have some fun with colors!

So send some color schemes/palettes (or your sona's if you feel like it) I'll change up Salisbury's colors (maybe the brief's color to for funsies) and post all the color swaps in a batch.

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A good portion of his gain happened during college, so it took 4 years to get that fat.

Having unrestricted access to as much cafeteria food as you want makes turning a freshmen 15 into a freshman 50 surprisingly easy.

Also bonus fact with this one, Salisbury dyes his fur.

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He’s easily flustered by any soft of praise, especially about his belly.

Given the right encouragement or praise, somebody could easily take Salisbury down a such road of gaining and gluttony that by the time he figures out how far he’s gone, he’s already way to far down it.

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Well it's Skunktember right now so you know have have to draw Salisbury, especially considering I've neglected him as of recently. And what better way to start off the month than by making him a massive pile of skunk fat!

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Two Russian military intelligence officers identified as having carried out poisoning attack in say UK authorities.

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Did you know that Norwich Cathedral spire is 315ft high, second only to Salisbury. The Cathedral begun in 1096 and completed in 1145.

'Norwich Cathedral from the South' - Pencil and watercolour on paper by Edward Dayes (1763-1804)

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"Starry night brightly blaze is a work that splits my infinite admiration for Caspar David Friedrich and Vincent Van Gogh. 2 artists on different paths with a common dedication to the craft of painting" - Trevor Salisbury
. 💙 https://t.co/SFpOIIB7OK

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1. Some of my favorite art of Salisbury (4th image by RockyTheProcy on FA)

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Decided to finally make a ref sheet for Salisbury after like over a year of having him. I realized that any images I had of him for a ref were either busts or butts...

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A friend recently made a joke of Calling Salisbury ‘Salisburess’ (in relation Hannibal Buress) so I felt the need to make this a thing…

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The dark, murky tones and the cloud-filled sky threaten some wet weather on the banks of the River Avon in Salisbury in this painting by Constable. Take in the riverbank views of Salisbury in Room 34: https://t.co/wSHlUbax4H

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Wanted to draw Salisbury's face but massively fat. I'd imagine this is what he'd be like completely unrestrained in his gluttony (and maybe getting a little outside help pushing that gluttony further). Anyways now he's here, he's huge and he's hungry for more.

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Some sketches from some recent Tumblr asks of Salisbury getting his butt slapped

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27 May 1541: Bl. Margaret Pole Countess Salisbury executed - her beheading was badly botched at Tower (NPG - possible portrait) Cardinal Reginald's mum

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Visit the Young Gallery in to view the ‘#KenKiff: - - Kiff produced a much-admired body of work, invoking fantasy and myth in exploring the realities of humanity. The show is open until 25/05.

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