Shihori is the most likely to get hired. She’s intelligent, well mannered, and professional. Her dad Korian on the other hand would be instantly fired. He’s educated but lacks the detailed understanding of societal expectations. His upbringing was too chaotic to learn “normality”

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oh to be a rambunctious kelpie pup with no societal pressures

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The crushing weight of societal imbalances and impatience makes accelerationists of us all

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In shops today: EVERFROST by A scientist-warrior endures societal collapse and personal loss on a war-torn planet in this tale of sci-fi insanity and heartbreaking emotion.

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Tyrone is someone who isn’t tied down by societal norms. She says and does as she pleases and goes where she wants

4 16

My Banu Haqim, Beb.
Left binary gender at the door when they were embraced. Losing the societal pressure to marry and produce children was freeing, but being stuck in your post-embrace body has been somewhat of a prison. Currently dabbling in Blood Sorcery rituals to aid in that

0 3

I have been ruminating on this thought, but, I have come to feel that it is easier to see someone's heart through their work than through banter. Through expression — à propos, is a person's strife lain bare: interpersonal, societal, existential, plus everything else in-between.

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NEW episode! Body Clock & Pregnancy: , , , &Sadye talk about societal pressures on the "ticking" body clock, and


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Meet the Friendly Gays!

Jacky has struggled all her life with conforming to societal expectations. Trying to use her brains for good, she got two degrees in mechanical and building engineering, only to be faced with patriarchal expectations and less than supportive workplaces.

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[Run Away With Me, Girl]
{By Battan}
• Completed

a story of being honest with your feelings and the life you want instead of following societal norms

~ very realistic
~ made me cry
~ im happy we got a chapter with their child

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Post your sona/the animal they were based on!

societal menace

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Day 7: AU
Harvest Moon AU!! oh to just up and leave modern societal responsibilities to run a farm, maybe find love along the way...

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"tHe LeFt WaNtS pOlItIcS tO bE a VeHiClE fOr SoCiEtAl ImPrOvEmEnT"

5 438

Feliç Dia Internacional dels Museus

🎉Avui els museus són els protagonistes i obrim les portes per oferir una oferta d'activitats que podràs gaudir de manera segura, remarcant la importància que tenen en el desenvolupament de la societat! 👏

3 7

Feliç Dia Internacional dels museus 🎉 Avui els museus són els protagonistes i obrim les portes per oferir una oferta d'activitats que podràs gaudir de manera segura, remarcant la importància que tenen en el desenvolupament de la societat! 👏

27 58

Com cada 18 de maig, els museus ens vestim de festa per celebrar i reivindicar el nostre paper a la societat. Volem comptar amb tu, amb tots vosaltres, avui i cada dia

Dimarts 18 de maig, portes obertes al md'A (10-19 h)

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🇺🇸Save America🇺🇸
The Left DESPERATELY wants you to believe the REAL reasons for societal distress are: systemic racism/white supremacy, gun ownership, climate change, Trumpism, greedy capitalism, & a never-receding COVID crisis.
This tactic distracts..

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Vulvodynia, Acrania – Societal Lobotomisation (2021年)
イギリスのAcraniaのsplit ep

ϵ( 'Θ' )϶…。

3 64

‘We need enduring, systemic societal change’ True liberty and justice for all’ Keith Ellison, Minnesota Attorney General. This is the end of the Beginning! George Floyd was somebody, we are all somebody. ✊🏾💚🖤

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