I'm begging them to recreate this boxart for

2 24

ok deberia emocionarme? deberia emocionarme?
LETS GOOOOO!!! 💙💛💕🆚🖤💎

nota: perdonen si ya hablo con spoilers pero
tengo entendido que ya se acabo la temporada
anti spoilers asi que ignoren este post por si acaso
I can´t wait for Sonic Movie trilogy!

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, since the SCU will be taking a different direction from the games, is there a chance that the SCU can feature something new that the games have never done before in connection with Sonic’s dynamics with Amy Rose?

17 73

I'm 100% serious about this.
I drew myself in the exact outfit I plan to wear.
Can't wait to get dressed up and looking extra cute to sit in a pitch-black cinema and watch talking hedgehogs run real fast. 🙃✨️

0 9

Yeah, same here. I can’t argue with that.

Because, in case, how can you have yet NOT have or

Also, in the upcoming   TV spin-off, it is likely will make their debut; it just seems fitting.


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