Sqh you hurt his little meow meow🥺

2 28

It was said that SQH's hair was cute!🥰💕💕

51 280

jokes on all of them, sqh actually has the most beautiful husband https://t.co/rWJibnSm1d

1096 4305

delete later: drawing for my wip instead of writing it... 😅

itty vampire sqh & werewolf mobei clan just brings me joy.

(dadbei jun has a professional mullet and lgj wears dresses sometimes cause he can do w/e he wants)

1 13

Is sqh in the blue of the mobei clan? Omgggg

0 1


5 15

Hey, remember I was writing circus AU Because I totally forgot about it!
Long story short, sqh convinced mbj to give him some aerial acrobatics lessons. I wonder how he managed that...🤔

6 24

@/d_feagins drew this for me!!! look at them!!! they're so cute and tiny and completely out of sync!!! i love them so much

anyway, i'd like to imagine mbj actually knows what sqh is going for. he just likes being a little shit lol

15 106

shang qinghua sketch for today! o/ and a tiny mobei with hamhua bc why not
idk why but there isnt a sqh tag

1 9

I imagine that if by some system glitch or magic sword hijinks, SQH is visited by alternate selves, he would have a grand old time :V Best sleepover ever. MBJ, after the initial violent reaction and shock, would probably be quite intrigued 🐭❄️

701 3469

Shang Qinghua, SHANG QINGHUA!!! You let me out!!

SQH: My king, I didn’t even set you up for this… but I’ll *look* into helping you. 👁👄👁

(Plus a Bonus.)

171 978

Kisses SQH fluffy eyebrows😚♥️✈️

137 572

figure skaters!au
mbj:▶️Eric Radford - Storm
sqh: ▶️Inon Zur - Rise and Prevail

28 99

When you're the royal advisor, expect to be assassinated a few times. Especially if you're human and married to royalty. SQH been hit so many times, he's just desensitized to it. He wears the scars like a badge. Not leaving his Dawang anytime soon hah!🐭❄️

527 2337

Hahaha, I love to imagine this every time airplane bro is fucked by his own bullshit. Is the inner Qinghua

0 9

SY: Why CANt get Gf
SQH: *looks at room full of LBH merch & memorabilia*
Like bro🤷
I like to imagine that maybe both SQH & SY are bi. But SY is a bit slow on the uptake that preferences might lean towards guys. With long hair. Huge tits. Demonic powers. But who knows?

141 945

What if Modern SY & SQH were drinking buddies? SQH adores the weekly get together, cause he gets to hang out with a friend, but also because when SY gets hammered, everything he spews is comedy gold. The denial and cluelessness is hilarious🐭🐱

507 2207