Petit retour sur ces somptueuses cartes du ciel dans le domaine des rayons X, qui mettent en évidence de gigantesque "bulles" perpendiculaires au plan de notre Galaxie, probables résultats d'une activité éruptive passée du trou noir supermassif au centre de la Voie Lactée.


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Milky Way’s Supermassive Black Hole is Closer than Astronomers Thought

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More Style tests, trying to get a drawing process thats almost as elegant as what I figured out doing storyboards at supermassive

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A new study puts us 1,900 light years closer to the center of the Milky Way (and its supermassive black hole) than previously believed. Added to my list: I'm thankful that we live in a safe place in space.

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Supermassive Black Hole A* episode 41, page 68:

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stars can leave a bad taste in her mouth, so a supermassive black hole or two can wash that foul tasting solar radiation right away. black  holes taste fine, but cannibah thinks supermassive black holes are the best. (; 

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Super Mario Galaxy 2's Supermassive Galaxy is located in World 4, and World 4 in Super Mario Bros. 3 was named Giant Land, which this galaxy is very similar to.

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